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Smoked Whitefish - Tannersgrandpaw - 03-05-2007

Tanner and I went to the middle sec. of the Provo last Sat. Tanner started out catching a small Brown, that we turned loose, and hooked two more he could not land. We moved on and finally caught Tanners first Whitefish. Then two nice Browns. We took them home and smoked them. That Whitefish turned out tasting as food as a Trout! I guess we won't have to cook them on a pine board anymore.[cool]

Re: [Tannersgrandpaw] Smoked Whitefish - Dryrod - 03-05-2007

[cool][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Hi there TGP j[/green][green]ust[/green][green] loved hearing that Tanner is having such great success on the river. Thanks for the update.[/green][/size][/font]

Re: [Tannersgrandpaw] Smoked Whitefish - tubeN2 - 03-06-2007

I used to target Whitefish quite often when I lived in Idaho. There were plenty of them close to home and with the right recipe, they can be very palletable to any gullet.

Although they have a few more bones in them, they are rather easy to fillet and leave boneless for the frypan, George Forman Grill, broiler, oven or even fit into a nice fish chowder recipe.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Smoked Whitefish - macfly55 - 03-06-2007

hmmmmmmmmm the fish chowder sounds good.. [laugh]

Re: [macfly55] Smoked Whitefish - Tarpon4me - 03-06-2007

That does sound good. How about a spicey Catfish stew? That would hit the spot like chilli on a cold day. [Smile]

Re: [tubeN2] Smoked Whitefish - gurthgul - 03-06-2007

you peeked my interest. never had fish chowder. love clam chowder.

Re: [Tannersgrandpaw] Smoked Whitefish - macfly55 - 03-06-2007

okay...ya'll need to quit yakking about food.. I just had lunch and this chatter is making me hungry again....[laugh]


Re: [gurthgul] Smoked Whitefish - tubeN2 - 03-07-2007

Use all of your favorite ingredients for clam chowder and substitute the fish for the clams. Deeeeeeelicious.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Smoked Whitefish - Tarpon4me - 03-07-2007

Sorry in advance macfly55! [sly]

You just substitute fish for the clams? Surely you'd have to use a certain type of fish, something with a little stronger taste. If you used a light, flakey fish, wouldn't it be hard to get the flavor to flow into the chowder? I know when I make clam chowder, I put clam juice in with it to help highten the flavor.