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What's your favorite snack on the water? - Printable Version

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What's your favorite snack on the water? - Tarpon4me - 03-19-2007

I think everyone has thier favorite little snack when they are on the water and get the hungry bug.

I know for me, I like to carry along a few boiled eggs and maybe some BBQ Pork rinds.

When I was fishing in Guam all the time, I just carried some Wasabi and soy sauce. When we caught a small wahoo, he got cut into sashimi right on the boat. [cool]

Re: [Tarpon4me] What's your favorite snack on the water? - tomc - 03-19-2007

lol i usually need a dingy to carry my lunch bag.i am a big jerky fan.most of the time it my own venison jerky,but when that runs out store bought brand work,a large grinder,coffee,water.and misc.junk food.i got to keep my figure somehow

Re: [tomc] What's your favorite snack on the water? - Tarpon4me - 03-20-2007

LOL [sly] Roger on "keeping your figure." I've tried to explain to my wife on numerous occasions that a man needs to have a shed over his tools. [Tongue] She's not buying it though.

I hear ya on the deer jerkey. We got three deer this past winter, one of which got turned into some jerkey. That is some good stuff. I think the mother in law uses liquid smoke, woostisour(I have no clue how to spell or pronounce it), and a couple little seasonings. LOL, the deer jerkey never makes it to fishing season though. Between me, my son, and father in law, it only lasts about a week. I'm a big fan of turkey jerkey. You ever try that? It makes some good jerkey.

I noticed you have coffee down on your list of goodies. I can't do that. I use to never get sick on the water. 20 years and never been sick. I took a thermos of coffee with me one morning on the ocean, and after the second cup, I was done for. I didn't get sick, but my stomach was doing summer saults around my rear end. I wish I could have thrown up. LOL I swore i'd never take coffee out with me in the ocean again. Now, on the river, I love a nice hot cup in the morning. [cool]

Re: [Tarpon4me] What's your favorite snack on the water? - saltwaterron - 03-20-2007

caviar french onion soup lasagna just kidding depends on how i feel the night before water an occasional dr pepper candy pretzels mostly junk

Re: [saltwaterron] What's your favorite snack on the water? - Tarpon4me - 03-20-2007

Oh man, I forgot about the pretzels. Those things are always tastey on the water. What about Viena sausages? LOL, my wife thinks they are really nasty, but I think they are the best.

When I go camping, I always take a few cans of beany weenies. I'll crack open the top for a vent and toss the whole can right on the fire. It doesn't get much better than that. [cool]

Re: [Tarpon4me] What's your favorite snack on the water? - saltwaterron - 03-20-2007

yeah i forgot about pretzels viennas not on my diet kind of particular about what i eat since heart surgery in '91 fig newtons are ok fruit if it's cold i guess i could think of more if i tried don't won't to tire my brain