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Best Bait for Trout.. - Printable Version

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Best Bait for Trout.. - FISHHOUND42 - 03-25-2007

This will be the first year, I have ever gone trout fishing. Any ideas on baits, or lures to use.

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - davetclown - 03-25-2007

Welcome to

unfortunatly you posted on the wrong board,
Forntunatly I stumbeled across it and moved it to the fly fishing board.

be ready to get bombarded with info....

and yes you can use flies on a bait cast or spin casters.

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - davetclown - 03-25-2007

I am going to give you a few of the basics.

the other guys will ring in shortly...
[ul] [li]home dug earth worms[/li] [li]night crawlers[/li] [li]leaf wroms[/li] [li]stone fly wigglers[/li] [li]wax worms[/li] [li]corn nibblets right out of the can[/li] [li]berkley power bait nibblets[/li] [li]lightning bug wigglers [/li] [li]live minnows[/li] [li]live shiners[/li] [li]small rooster tail spinners (yellow)[/li][/ul]
trout can be pretty accomidating and on the other hand they can be quite frustrating when they get finniky

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - davetclown - 03-25-2007

I posted that you posted this on the wrong board at first, well that is not entirly true, I moved it to this board because when it comes to trout, no one knows trout better than our fly fishermen...

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - Scruffy_Fly - 03-25-2007

bait can not be used on trout[angelic]
On this forum board, that is my story and I am sticking to it. [cool]

However, Using a swivel tied at the end of a spin cast rig with monofiliament. can work. Use a free sliding bubble between the pole and swivel. To the swivel add 2 to 3.5 feet of tippet material. Tie a fly on to end of the tippet. Dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, spider flies, flymphs or soft hackles will all work.

Heres a few basic flies that will work

parachute adams, Elk Hare Caddis, Royal Wulffs, griffiths Knats, chernobyl ant, lady heather, charlie boy hopper, Renegade.
These you will want to cast them out there and then let them set for a couple of minutes then give them a little twitch.

Wets / nymphs:
chronimids, wooly bugger, wooly worm, wet renegade, pheasant tails, royal coachman, water boatman, gold rib hairs ears, pheasant tail soft hackle. Most of these you will wan to retrieve quite slowly.
Using weight on the tippet or weighted flies you can get these to sinkle lower in the water collumn.

Putting water in the bubble will aid in being able to cast the line further out.

Don't forget to bend the barbs down.

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - Dryrod - 03-25-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Oops - davetclown has lost it again. Hello Dave - this is a Fly board.[Tongue]
[cool]Hi there FISHHOUND42 and welcome to the BFT and the FF&T board. I going to assume that you are not a fly fisher person but that is okay. It is not your fault that your post was moved here. [Wink][b] [/b]
When I would spin for trout I preferred to use a Carolina rig setup. Once you have located an area that holds trout then you need to determine at approximately what depth they are holding. Set your rig depth accordingly. Power bait in the SoCal is the go to bait.
As to lures I like Mepps & Panther Martin. Spoons like the Krocodile will go deep to reach the early season trout in fast waters.
I like a light weight system. I use either a 4 or 6 wt line. Leaders of 2 to 4 lb test. I don’t like to haul the fish in nor will I play them for ever for I think that it over stresses them. I am strictly C&R and I use barbless hooks. Good luck.

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - FISHHOUND42 - 03-25-2007

Thanks everyone for your responses. I couldn't find this post, because I don't know how, and assume you don't have to fly fish for trout. If I used live bait, what size weight, if any would I use? I'll be fishing in a lake.

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - tubeN2 - 03-26-2007

When you are lake fishing, either with live bait or Power Bait, you genereally don't need more than 1/4 oz split shot about 1 foot to 18inches aways from the bait.

What state are you fishing in?? There are little tricks for each area and some of the areas share trick, others don't.[cool]

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - macfly55 - 03-26-2007

In my limited days of spinning for trout on local lakes I used 1/4 ounce weight just below a weighted bobber.. I would set the float about 18" to 2' above the hook.. for bait I used powerbait or better yet was inflated earthworms.. I use the extra weight to get my bait out further but it did not take the bobber completely under the water.. I was fairly successful doing this...

I have used the bubble rig that was suggested and caught one good sized trout doing that.. that was pre fly fishing days.. I am currently setting my grandson up with a similar rig instead of bait to see how he does and to get him used to using flies and not bait.. so far for him he has been skunked.....

Hope this helps.....


Re: [tubeN2] Best Bait for Trout.. - FISHHOUND42 - 03-26-2007

Thanks, so basically from what I've read so far on this thread is , Power Bait, and Night Crawlers are pretty decent bait. Only use a 1/4 ounce Split shot as a weight. I take it you don't need to cast very far? Does it sound like I got it all right?

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - Dryrod - 03-26-2007

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hey there Fishhound42 - if you are using a Carolina rig a split shot won't work to well. You should be using a egg sinker. [/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=22948;][/center]

Re: [Dryrod] Best Bait for Trout.. - Scruffy_Fly - 03-26-2007

Hey, that does not look like a fly!

oh wait, um it could be a nuclear egg I guess.

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Best Bait for Trout.. - Dryrod - 03-27-2007

[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I know - but some times you have to give help to those that don't know that fly fishing is what the fish God had in mind when he created those little [/size][/green][/font][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3] >-----:> creatures.[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [FISHHOUND42] Best Bait for Trout.. - tubeN2 - 03-27-2007

If you are using an ultra light rod with 2 or 4lb test you can cast over a hundred feet with the 1/4 oz. It is all in the technique.[cool]

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Best Bait for Trout.. - tubeN2 - 03-27-2007

C'mon Scruffy. Haven't you ever seen one of them floating, disentigrating glow bugs???

It is called Yarn in a jar. It comes in about 26 delicious colors.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Best Bait for Trout.. - flygoddess - 03-27-2007

[black][size 1]Post:[/size][/black] [black][size 1]C'mon Scruffy. Haven't you ever seen one of them floating, disentigrating glow bugs???

It is called Yarn in a jar. It comes in about 26 delicious colors.[cool]

[black][size 4]LMAO[cool][/size][/black]

Re: [flygoddess] Best Bait for Trout.. - tubeN2 - 03-27-2007

I don't suggest that particular type of Yarn for the Lady folk. It tends to stick under the finger nails.

The bad part is, there is no difference in flavor between the green glitter or the strawberry/lemon twist.[crazy]

Re: [tubeN2] Best Bait for Trout.. - Scruffy_Fly - 03-27-2007

......The bad part is, there is no difference in flavor between the green glitter or the strawberry/lemon twist.[crazy] [/reply]

Now that is a sick puppy. Tasting the different colors to see if they taste different.

I think I will stick with the nuclear egg instead of listening to this yarn. .... oops .... reading this yarn

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Best Bait for Trout.. - poky-mon - 03-28-2007

And I thought I was was warped but then we know steve was a idaho spud Maybe thats whats wrong or maybe we lived in utah [crazy][crazy][crazy] tough call

Re: [poky-mon] Best Bait for Trout.. - tubeN2 - 03-28-2007

The test results are inconclusive so far. Although they did find Seagull poop on my mashed spuds. They suspect that may have happened somewhere between Rigby and SLC.[shocked]