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Save Piru - Printable Version

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Save Piru - Dryrod - 03-27-2007

[cool][green][size 3]Sorry but I couldn't reduce the width.

[/size][/green][url ""][Image: 10593.jpg][/url] [right][Image: 10596.jpg] [url ""][#065550]Tell A Friend[/#065550][/url][/right] [center][url ""][Image: 12586.jpg][Image: 12585.jpg][/url][#006600][size 3]Keep Piru Creek Flowing![/size][/#006600][/center] [center][#006600][size 3][/size][/#006600]
If we don’t act now,
the state will continue its disastrous plan
to dry up Piru Creek this summer!
[/center] [center][url ""]Write a letter today to save Piru Creek![/url] [/center]
At stake is one of only a handful of year-round trout streams in southern California. Just an hour from downtown Los Angeles, Piru Creek is a regional destination for anglers. The flowing waters also attract thousands of people and families during the summer, and in the winter expert kayakers challenge its class IV rapids.
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has poorly managed Pyramid Dam on Piru Creek and harmed the endangered arroyo toad population. So now, to fix the problem, it has devised a plan to eliminate the water in Piru Creek in dry summers like this one coming up! It will dry up vital summer flows for trout that DWR agreed to provide when it built the dam. It will eliminate a popular summer swimming hole for picnicking visitors. And it will harm other threatened species.
There is scant evidence that this change will protect the toad, but we do know the plan creates a host of other biological, recreational, and legal problems.
Friends of the River believes everyone will win with a practical solution that benefits both the trout and the toad, not crazy schemes to dry up the creek.
Here’s how you can help!
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has released an Environmental Assessment of DWR’s plan, and it is currently accepting comments from the public -- you and me. Together we can make a difference and remind these public agencies that they serve the public. Take this opportunity to have your say!
[url ""]Learn more about this issue.[/url]
[url ""]Then write a letter TODAY![/url] [left]Then please spread the word and [url ""][#065550]Tell A Friend[/#065550][/url] about the threat to Piru Creek.[/left][Image: PixelServer?j=fjketk-r1km7cdQAFZGlwg..] [url ""][#ffffff][Image: poweredbyconvio.gif][/#ffffff][#ffffff]Home[/#ffffff][/url][#ffffff] | [/#ffffff][url ""][#ffffff]Tell A Friend[/#ffffff][/url][#ffffff] | [/#ffffff][url ""][#ffffff]View Message[/#ffffff][/url][#ffffff] | [/#ffffff][url ""][#ffffff]Unsubscribe
[/#ffffff][/url][#ffffff]Friends Of The River, 915 20th St., Sacramento CA 95814

Re: [Dryrod] Save Piru - tubeN2 - 03-28-2007

I gave them my piece. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.[cool]

Re: [Dryrod] Save Piru - Tarpon4me - 03-28-2007

Gotcha back! [cool]