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Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - Printable Version

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Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - TubeDude - 04-01-2007

[cool][#0000ff]With apologies to Chuck Dickens, here's a tale of two lakes. It was the best of times...and it was the worst of times. More of the latter than the former.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]mactuna, nansea and myself met up with road at Rabbit Gulch on Starvation about 7:30 AM. In spite of explicit instructions to leave the W in Heber City, Road brung some with him. We had an onshore breeze that made it really tough for mactuna and nansea to launch their toons with their new electric motors. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]They had just got them and had not had a chance to set them up or work with them. Double bummer. nansea kept getting tangled in the shoreline bushes and gave up trying to get out. mactuna (husband) wisely beached his toon to keep her company on the shore.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]road and I launched into the increasing breezes, watching sonar and working a variety of baits and lures as we fished from shallow to deep. Water temp was back down to 43 after being up to 45 last week. Plus, full moon. Plus barometer changes with the storms. End result...a couple of wimpy nibbles but no bites. Walleye trollers in a couple of boats claimed the same dismal success rate.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Mac and nan had a couple of pokes casting from shore, but were ready to change venues when we returned to shore after only a half hour of frustration. We opted for Deer Creek.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Launched from the gravel ramp at Charleston bridge about 11. Water like glass. 46 degrees. No visible surface activity and nobody fishing seemed to be doing much. Road and I worked out into deeper water, while mac and nan fished closer to shore. Mactuna announced that he had accomplished one of his two goals. He had caught a brown (14") from a lake and now needed to catch a walleye. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We all moved around looking for fish. One poor little rainbow really got beat up bad by our group. I caught him twice and so did road. Nansea also caught him once. At least we thought it might have been the same fish. Little bugger.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Mactuna and nansea showed off their toon skills by rowing over toward the opposite side of the lake. Bad Move. The DC afternoon zephyrs suddenly blew in and caused all kinds of problems. I had been fortunate enough to be upwind from the launch area when it hit, so I just rode it back to the vehicles. Road also saw it coming and layed into the oars on his toon, actually beating me to shore even though he was a ways downwind. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Mactuna and nansea were not so lucky. They were still somewhat inexperienced tooners and not skilled at rowing in windy conditions. Wisely, they elected to let the wind push them to shore and try to find a way out rather than do themselves harm by fighting it. Mactuna had put his motor back on and was making some reasonable headway when his right pontoon suddenly went soggy. He was in danger of swamping.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fortunately a good sized boat tossed him a line and hauled his sorry self back to the launch area. He was barely afloat and leaning way over to the side to counter the weight of battery and tackle. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nansea was nowhere to be seen on the other side of the brush growing up in the channel. We were hoping we would see the boat returning with her in tow, but they were instead towing a small paddle boat that had gone out earlier while it was calm and had been swamped by the wind and waves. The paddleboaters were inside the big boat and the little one was barely afloat when I waded out to help them all ashore.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Road decided he would leave his toon and try to find nansea in his truck. The boat went back to rescue a couple of other small boats that were having troubles. After a suspenseful wait, road pulled in with nansea's toon in the back and an exhausted and grateful lady in the front seat. Whew.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Too much drama and adventure for a first trip with BFTers. Good company and Mac was top rod. He managed to hang a nice 18" rainbow to accompany the smaller brown he had taken earlier. In the picture you can see his soggy air chamber, but he doesn't seem to mind too much while he is holding those two nice fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hey Marty, it is always good to fish with you, but I know at least one other member of our group that was especially glad you came along today.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - mactuna - 04-01-2007

Thanks TubeDude & Road, for the great time. Have too try it again, without the wind.

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - road - 04-01-2007

As always it was a blast Pat. Thanks for the invite.
I'm sure mactuna and nansea will remember this trip for sometime. Drama or no drama it was fun. Heres a couple of pics from the trip and me getting some help preping to go.
Sunrise at Starvation Mac and Nan getting blown across DC. What a ride that was for them! A wind blown TD kicking back in. And ofcourse my grandson helping me get ready to go fishing.

Re: [mactuna] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - road - 04-01-2007

So ya don't want me to tag along then huh LOL. TD will tell ya where I go the wind is sure to follow. Its a deseret thing ya know. [Wink]

Re: [road] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - lunkerhunter2 - 04-01-2007

I am quite certain that if Pat took down his briches there would be 2 large ingets(sp?) of steel sitting vertically. I would not want to be in a leg lifting or power tubing contest with him.[sly] Sounds like another fun trip.

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - Theekillerbee - 04-01-2007

You guys and gals had a brutal day. Sounds like one of those that you just should have stayed home.

Re: [Theekillerbee] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - road - 04-01-2007

Stayed home! Are you kidding? Some of my best and most memorable trips are like this. Look at this way, we will all have a good story to tell around the campfire. And in 5-10 years the waves will have been 3 foot tall to go with the 30 in bow and 24 in brown LOL. Nope these are the trips that make fishing fun. If they were all mundane and all we did was catch fish why we might get bored. Then we would have to look for another fourm of entertainment. Spending time outdoors is and should always be full of surprises. Some good some not so good but all in all a learning experence. A most enjoyable day and I got to meet some nice folks taboot. What more caould one ask?

Re: [road] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - doggonefishin - 04-01-2007

When you and TD get together it always DOES seem to be memorable. Weren't you two afloat in that Jordanelle "hurricane" last year also? What a dangerous duo!

Seriously, I do know what you are saying though. Those trips often are the most memorable years down the line when the grey matter doesn't remember the routine trips at all.

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - fishfinder462 - 04-01-2007

Sounds like a rough day everywhere for tooners[crazy] I was out at pineview and had about the same thing happen (granted this was my first time ever using a toon) ended up walking in a couple feet of water dragging my toon behind me to get back to the landing because i wasnt making any headway rowing[mad]. But all and all still a good day to get out.[cool]


Re: [doggonefishin] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - road - 04-01-2007

Yes sir that was us. TD swore he wasn't ever going with me again after that. But as you know we seem to make a trip or 2 now and again. I'm already looking forward to the next big blow. Seems you can't never have too much fun.

Re: [Theekillerbee] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - TubeDude - 04-01-2007

[cool][#0000ff]"Shoulda stayed home"????? I know you don't REALLY believe that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As my esteemed and furry-faced friend (road) points out, many of the more memorable trips are built around "dealing with the elements".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I make no secret of my STRONG dislike of wind. Not only does it make for more work (and greater danger) but it just messes up my fishin' too. Most of my "style" of fishing revolves around "touch" light gear and being able to "Zen in" on what is happening on the other end of the line at all times. In reality, as soon as even a light breeze puts a bow in my line or keeps moving me out of position I can no longer fish effectively. STICK A FORK IN ME, I'M DONE.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, I know most BFTers who read this stuff get bored quickly if all the reports are "Went fishing, caught fish, came home". It is a strange phenomenon that us fisherfolk seem to have the unique ability to recharge our own fishing batteries just by reading reports from others. And, if there is a lot of drama, or some special happenstance, so much the better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been accused of creating drama. On one occasion, in the Sea of Cortez (in Mexico), I was told "It is never dull fishing with you,". The guy who said it was a troutaholic from Denver, who had never fished in salt water and already had the "yips" about fishing in these remote (shark infested) waters. My bad. I had been snorkeling nearby while he continued to fish. I surfaced next to him with a large stingray thrashing on the shaft of my spear. I guess I shouldn't have come up behind him, or that I should have warned him. Yeah, my bad.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]All trips have the potential for unique and outrageous fun. We just have to let 'er rip and try to contain the damage as much as possible. Plenty of time to do the "coulda, shoulda, woulda" routine later.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Shoulda stayed home? Nah. As my favorite philosopher, Zig Ziglar says..."If you wait 'til all the lights are on green, you ain't never gonna leave home,"[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - Flycasting - 04-01-2007

It looks like I missed a great.... errr... interesting day. Woulda rather been there at than work for sure though. When you headed back up to Starvation? [Smile]

Re: [Flycasting] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - TubeDude - 04-01-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Too many other productive places to fish right now. I will leave the prospecting of Starvation to other masochists. Once there are some decent reports, I will budget the time and gas money to return. That will probably be Junish. Good time for daytime perch and nighttime walleyes. Maybe an overnighter.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - Flycasting - 04-01-2007

Yeah I kinda figured as much. I am looking forward to getting back up there though... I miss the look of my finder blacking out with fish. [Tongue]

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - CROSSINEYES - 04-01-2007

yee haw. what an awsume ending. fun fun fun.

Re: [road] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - mactuna - 04-01-2007

No problem with the wind, we will be ready next time. It was still enjoyable. Would like to fish with you again

Re: [mactuna] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - road - 04-01-2007

anytime mac just pm me and we'll set a time and place

Re: [road] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - TubeDude - 04-01-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Sheeeesh. Looks like poor ol' TubeDude introduced his friends and they cut him right out of the picture.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Well neener, neener, neener...I'll just go fish by my own self. See if I share my walleyes with you guys.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - mactuna - 04-01-2007

Not a chance TubeDude.

Re: [TubeDude] Starvation/Deer Creek 3-31-07 - road - 04-01-2007

Like you wouldn't invited LOL. I leave you behind and it's another dull day fishing. Catching is only half the fun. The other half is getting there.