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CHOOSING A CRAFT - Printable Version

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CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-18-2003

[cool]Hey fellow tubaholics. I finished my first draft of the writeup I have been working on for helping folks shop for a new system. Here is the outline. I will be happy to email a copy of the 9 page complete document to anyone who would like it. Send me a PM on BFT, or email me at [url ""][/url]

I would like any input or suggestions on other factors I might have overlooked, or else personal slants on some of the ones I included. Over a period of time, I plan to have an archive of similar pieces to address the repetitive questions we get from new readers who discover us from time to time. So, think back about your own experiences in flotation fishing, and the lessons you have often had to learn the hard way. Post them on this thread and I'll bet there are some fun ones.

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]CHOOSING A CRAFT (OUTLINE)[/font][/size] [ul] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]BODY SIZE, STRENGTH, PHYSICAL CONDITION[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]FREQUENCY & DURATION OF USE[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]BUDGET[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]TYPE OF WATER[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]CONDITIONS (HEAT/COLD, CURRENT, ROCKS, MUD, ETC.)[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]DISTANCE TO LAUNCHING & BEACHING[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]AVAILABLE TRANSPORTATION[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]SPECIES OF FISH[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]TACKLE & TECHNIQUES[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]SHAPE (ROUND, UBOAT, PONTOON)[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]COVER MATERIALS & COLORS[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]ZIPPERS & SEAMS[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]POCKETS[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]SEATS & CROTCH STRAPS[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]STABILIZER BARS[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]ATTACHMENTS (D-RINGS, STRAPS, SNAPS, VELCRO, ETC.)[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]APRONS[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]AIR CHAMBERS (SINGLE, MULTIPLE, MATERIAL & VALVES)[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]WEIGHT & PORTABILITY (PACKSTRAPS, ETC.)[/size][/font][/li] [li][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]ADD-ONS & UPGRADES.[/size][/font][/li][/ul]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]My next project is to cover all of the potential add ons and upgrades...what the options are and how to attach them. I know I can get some good input on that one.[/size][/font]

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - EmuScud - 03-18-2003

I'm guessing this is a similar document to what I read a while ago? It looks like you have covered the major considerations for tube selection. I thought I had saved your book, but it must have disappeared [Sad]. One thing I would put on the plus column of pontoons is the frame can make it easier to add on accessories. Good old fashiond hoseclamps can latch on pretty much anything onto the frame. Just have to be careful which direction the tag end points to avoid poking the pontoons or slicing fingers.

good fishing!


Re: [EmuScud] CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-18-2003

[cool]Good input. I might also suggest using the inexpensive plastic "cable ties", available at Home Depot and many other locations. For all except the most demanding "lash downs" they are quick...and easily removed for disassembly and changes. And, while they have loose ends that can be bothersome, if not properly positioned, they have less potential for damaging craft or flesh.

I will be happy to send any chapters of the book you are missing and would like to have. This newest writeup is completely independent of the book chapter on the same subject, and is written from the perspective of a first timer...or an upgrader...trying to keep everything in perspective. I will PM these pages and you can make a better evaluation.

By the way, Mr.'s that new linebacker doing? Is he up to 20 pounds yet? With such a good start, I would expect the pro scouts will be knocking on your door soon.

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - JapanRon - 03-18-2003

Hi there TubeDude,

He he he! So it's lash-down talk time is it?! I like our little plastic cable ties too. One thought, don't be stingy and buy a good amount (they have a variety size pack too) of them. Once you realize how useful they are for EVERYTHING, you'll use them up quickly. Maybe even quicker than ducktape. I ask you, just how many ducks have you seen that would stand still long enough to be taped?

Hose clamps I use them for lash downs where the weight is heading vertically. Ties will do for almost anything going horizontal, but you might want to use two instead of just one. You can put a small screw in the slit in the hose clamp to keep it from moving and sometimes loosening.

Does everyone recognize the words Goop, Marine (blue tube)? A generous application on the connections will make it so a fly line or any other line will just slide over the offending spot and not get caught so easily on the ties, etc.

Oh, ya! Do I have to ask for you-know-what?


Re: [JapanRon] CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-18-2003

[cool]Good suggestions all. On the issue of duct tape...I ain't never taped no ducks. Never wrenched no monkeys, neither. But, for the life of me, I will never know how we man type humans could ever survive without that sticky grey tape.

And, I am also finding more and more uses for the little cable ties. Heck, they even use something like that for handcuffs on police action shows. I wonder how many of those little plastic strips end up in some kind of kinky surroundings.

You know, I'll bet if you could get some really big ones, that you could use them to hold the jaws shut on a great white shark. Of course, persuading the shark to hold still while you got the little sucker cinched up might pose a bit of a problem.

You gotta be careful with your choice of words, too. When you were talking about hose clamps for things vertical, and putting screws in slits, I started having hot flashes. This is a family forum here, son. I got to thinking, just what is there on a float tube that is vertical enough to merit a hose clamp?

Anyway, "you know what" is on the electronic air waves. Thanks for playing.

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - JapanRon - 03-18-2003

Hi TubeDude,

No nastyness intended, fish are my true love. My tube has 2 plastic mount thingys on the front that you can run straps through. I'be made a PVC pipe rod, net, anchor, and running light rack w/vertical metal hook/metal straps (mounted on pipe with hose clamps) that you can just slip in and out of the plastic mount thingys.

Oh ya, upon reading my post I realized the word 'you' popped up a lot. Everything I have to say is addressed to all of ya'll so 'you' means everybody of course. I taught nearly ten years so occasionally mr. blowhard comes to the forefront. ha ha

Duck tape, yes, I think you mentioned it'll work as a tempoary/emergency patch for a small leak.

lonehunter had some cool ideas over on another forum too.


Re: [JapanRon] CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-18-2003

[cool]When can we look forward to some pics and details on the ultimate fishing machine? Sounds pretty creative...for an ex-teacher.

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - lonehunter - 03-19-2003

where's the section on beach bunnies ? or is that covered under attachments or dangerous waters ?

congradulations ! very worthwile indevor indeed ! i'm proud of you big guy !

Re: [lonehunter] CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-20-2003

[cool]This is a fishing forum...not hunting. Beach Bunnies are not included in the angling proclamation. In fact, if you are caught hunting them, without a special permit from the spouse, you are likely to become an endangered species.

That reminds me. I wonder if my congressman is making any progress on getting that law through that makes marriage licenses like fishing that you need to renew them every year.

Hey Lonehunter, would you like a copy of the 9 page writeup on that? Be happy to PM it to ya. Also working on the one for attachments. (not bunnies)

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - lonehunter - 03-21-2003

yea , thats cool .[Wink]

i have a seven page detachment from my first , i think the judge thought my name was ben dover[shocked] instead of plantif . he did give me my freedom , just like in janice joplin's song " bobby mc gee " .[pirate]

thanks for the heads up , i thought beach bunnies were a semi-aquatic species . [unsure]oh well .

Re: [lonehunter] CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-21-2003

[cool]Nothing better than a good marriage, and nothing worse than a bad one.

The definition of a divorce settlement: THE HIGH COST OF LEAVING.

There are a couple of other good ones too, but since there are impressionable young readers (hopefully), I will refrain from posting them.

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - pilgram- - 03-16-2007

TubeDude-I'm interested in tubing and would like to buy a tube in the near future.I tried sending you an email so that you could send the 9 page document "choosing a craft".I would also like to get your book.My email Thanks

Re: [pilgram-] CHOOSING A CRAFT - TubeDude - 03-17-2007

[cool][#0000bf]'s up to 14 pages. Just sent you a PDF file. [/#0000bf]

Re: [TubeDude] CHOOSING A CRAFT - poky-mon - 03-18-2007

[cool][#0000bf]'s up to 14 pages. Just sent you a PDF file. [/#0000bf] [/reply]
If you stay home tommorrow you could probably get another half page done

Re: [poky-mon] CHOOSING A CRAFT - flygoddess - 03-18-2007

[black][size 4]HEY! [mad] We going huntin Kitties![cool][/size][/black]

Re: [flygoddess] CHOOSING A CRAFT - poky-mon - 03-18-2007

Good Hope you have a blast and next sunday we'll meet up at lake ED and do some damage

[Image: pictures283.jpg?t=1174190659]

Re: [poky-mon] CHOOSING A CRAFT - tubeN2 - 03-18-2007

So, I see you have a practice area for tubing. How much speed can you get to going down the little rapids?? It really looks like a fun course.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] CHOOSING A CRAFT - poky-mon - 03-19-2007

If I'd known you do the fun patios and stuff I'd have invited you here to do some fishin ha ha ha
This was last years pas time and more to come.

[url ""][/url]

Re: [poky-mon] CHOOSING A CRAFT - tubeN2 - 03-19-2007

That looks like a nice little progect you did. Did you use the Aquascapes biofalls in your system?? It sure looks familiar.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] CHOOSING A CRAFT - poky-mon - 03-20-2007

Wife says aquascape. I just pay the bill I know 2 fishes names out of 7 Mutt and Jeff I tried to name them after family one does look like my brother. but wifey wouldn't let me. She wants to know what 1 would cost in your neck of the woods Its nice in the morn or eve to sit out and feel like your in the hills