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Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - Printable Version

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Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - TubeDude - 05-26-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Weather forecast was for wind on Starvation today. So, what else is new. We went anyway. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Air temp was 29 as we cruised by Strawberry at 6 AM. It was a balmy 40 when we launched at Rabbit Gulch, about 7. Water temp was only 56...down a bit from last week...and it had pushed the perch out into deeper water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Whacked a few smallmouth along the shoreline early, with diving crankbaits. Then started working an assorment of jigs and baits to try to find some walleyes and/or perch. Picked up some small perch in about 12-13 feet of water. Kept going deeper. Finally found a productive area in 20-22 feet of water and tossed out my marker buoy. Started catching perch fairly fast, with quite a few over our "table target" of 10". Hollered at TubeBabe on the walkie talkie and got her to motate over to the productive area.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just as things were getting good, a noisy little boat trolled right between us and our marker buoy. Their yappy dog was barking at us but the people just pretended we weren't there. The lady hooked but lost a decent smallmouth. Broke her line. No excuse for that stuff. Karma.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some guy in another boat kept waving at me. I could not tell who it was. He came closer and introduced himself. Good friend and fishing buddy Pikeman. Silly me. I was focused on fishing, not fraternizing. He had been working hard for some walleyes but had scored only perch and smallies too. Correction, he did have a nice 20" brown he had kept for the table. Got him to pose for a picture.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe and I had been joking about the "nasty winds". Little more than a light breeze at any time, with a long period of almost flat calm. I was toying with the idea of kicking further across the channel when WINDZILLA turned the fan on high. Out of nowhere we were suddenly blasted with a northwest wind, that quickly piled up the chop and washed over the sides of our tubes as we churned the water to make it to shore. TubeBabe managed to make a landing near the vehicle. I washed ashore about a quarter mile down the lake, and left my gear to go get the car and bring it to my LZ.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fishing was over. TubeBabe had managed to add a half dozen nice perch to her basket. I had about 15. Plenty for us and the sister in law who trades great cookies for fish fillets.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We loaded up and drove up over the dam and around to Juniper Point and Knight's Hollow, just to check water levels and potential launch conditions. The view from the overlook above the dam was scary. The blasting wind had a great batch of popcorn on the water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We were surprised at how few of the campsites were occupied for the weekend on Friday afternoon. Gas prices and windy forecast must have a few folks spooked.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - fsh4fun05 - 05-26-2007

Sounds like the usual Starvation wind report. I unfortunately won't make it up there this weekend, a break in tradition.

Re: [TubeDude] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - ironworker - 05-26-2007

great report and pictures as always td. you 2 ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for sharing. [cool]

Re: [TubeDude] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - Flycasting - 05-26-2007

Ah man... stupid W!

Well at least the perch were somewhat cooperative. And I know those fillets are well worth the reward you get from the sister in law. That lady can bake! [cool]

Re: [Flycasting] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - TubeDude - 05-26-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Ah yes, as I recall you have "experienced" those heavenly discs...generously endowed with plentiful chocolate morsels.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fish fillets are just fish fillets. Easy to replenish. Sharon's cookies are treats to be treasured and savored. Ya cain't ketch those whenever ya want 'em. I married into a good fambly.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - Theekillerbee - 05-26-2007

Another nice report. Glad you could make it over there. You are gonna have to come up with some kind of fin powered Flinstones mobile to save on fuel!

Re: [Theekillerbee] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - TubeDude - 05-26-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Burrito power is usually enough for most conditions. However, Starvation almost always serves up some wind. Thankfully, it is usually fishable in the early morning, when I prefer to fish. I have had a couple of rare trips when it was still glassy when I had overfunned and succumbed to fish rash on my hands.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No...rather than messin' with my own power supply I would rather work on setting up some massive wind barriers. And, if they were inflatable and portable, I could just take them wherever I go.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Yeah right. Dream on. This is Utah.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - leaky - 05-27-2007

Glad you had a good trip, except for the standard ablivious/head up their ----- boaters and wind. Good report. Could you tell what stage of the spawn the smallies were in?

Re: [leaky] Tubing Starvation 5-25-07 - TubeDude - 05-27-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Didn't disect any to check ripeness, but with the water temps back down below 60 it will be a week or two of good weather to get them on their beds.[/#0000ff]