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McCloud River - Printable Version

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McCloud River - Dryrod - 08-23-2007

[center][cool][/center][center] [/center] [center][#005028] [size 4]Nestle Victory[/size][/#005028][/center]
[#005028]In a major victory for the McCloud River, Nestle Waters of North America has asked Siskiyou County to stop work on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the company’s proposed water bottling plant in McCloud, CA. [/#005028]
[#005028]This means the EIR will be “re-circulated,” allowing more time for data collection and input from stakeholders as the document is re-written and re-published for public review. [/#005028]
[#005028]Nestle has asked for input from California Trout, Trout Unlimited and the McCloud Watershed Council, partners in the newly-formed [/#005028][url ""][#005028]Protect Our Waters[/#005028][/url][#005028] coalition. [/#005028]
[#005028]This coalition is pressing for a more complete project description that clarifies the amount of water that can be drawn from the McCloud watershed, a more robust analysis of mitigation measures and project alternatives, and additional scienctific information to adequately assess baseline conditions. [/#005028]
[#005028]To learn more about our fight to preserve the McCloud visit [/#005028][url ""][#005028][/#005028][/url][#005028].[/#005028]

Re: [Dryrod] McCloud River - davetclown - 08-25-2007

I just love good news,

hope ya shared this on the california boards on both sites...

By the way, good to have ya back...