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Seismic activity - Dryrod - 09-26-2007

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][cool][green][size 3]With all the recent seismic activity around Lake Elsinore do you think that the quality of fishing changes for the good, bad or has no effect at all? I know that my dogs would get all upset about a minute or two before a quake would hit. [/size][/green][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=29848;][/center]

Re: [Dryrod] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-26-2007

.....I really am not sure about fish..but do know that animals will react to pending weather and unusual activity ( such as seismic activity)... I am willing to bet that a couple of others who know a heck of a lot more than I do will pipe up on this one... it is an interesting question though...

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - Dryrod - 09-26-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Since our good buddy TubeN2 is on the water practically every day, he should have some personal input on this subject.[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-26-2007

..Id think so.. but then again he is not a fish.. at least I dont think he is.. hmmmmmmmm now it gets really curious.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - Dryrod - 09-26-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Then again can one actually feel a quake while on the water?[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-26-2007

not sure if you can feel it.. but Id bet you can see it if you are close enough.. and dont forget the tsunami.. that is usually the result of an offshore earthquake..

MacFly [cool]

Re: [Dryrod] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-26-2007

I did my own study on this subject back around the Northride earthquake time period.

I was launching during after shocks and fishing. I found out that just before the after shock, the fish would detect it and take off to some deeper waters. Since Bass are territorial, they would return to the same spot withing 20 minutes.

I had to wait almost 25 minutes when the after shock was a 5.0 or larger.

In the even of the ocean fish, I would suspect that they would be heading for some kind of shelter or structure just to feel safe.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-26-2007

hmmmmm so that means all of Gods creatures have the ability to react to an oncoming event way before we humans ... that is very interesting how that works out..

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-26-2007

You give me a float tube with fins and I will react along with God's creatures and find them in the depths.[laugh][laugh]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-27-2007

... my thought was being in a tube.. and a small tsunami hits.. we turn to shore.. fins up... we ride the wave all the way in.. but we do make sure and keep the hooks in the water.. just in case a fishie wants to come along for the ride.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-27-2007

That sounds like a good idea. Would we call that "Seismic Trolling"? lol[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-27-2007 and I really do think way to much alike.. lol..

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-27-2007

I have one more add on for Elsonore. This should be fun.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-27-2007

add on = extra body to join the group??

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-27-2007

That is exactly right. He is one of the regulars here. He is ATFISHING. He has tubed fresh and Salt with me. He doesn't live too far from the lake either.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - Dryrod - 09-27-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]So the show is on for Oct 6th. What is your ETA plans?[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-27-2007

I just started a new thread for this on the Cali board. Please feel free to stop by so we can elaborate more on this.

Sunrise would be the ETA.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-28-2007

if we get scruffy to show we could end up having a good group of people to watch me half drown myself.. [sly]... seriously.. I say the more the merrier...

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Seismic activity - tubeN2 - 09-28-2007

That should be fun to watch. I do have about 2 hours of video time on my camera. That shoud be just enough to get some good shots of you and at least have something to remember you by.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Seismic activity - macfly55 - 09-28-2007 smart a.. [Smile].. but will tell you this.. I will be there a week from Saturday with bells on my new booties..

MacFly [cool]