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Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Printable Version

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Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Scruffy_Fly - 10-25-2007

When the San Diego police order you to evacuate due to a wild fire. What do you take? For me -

First there was the float tube stuff, fly rods and flies.

Then in go some clothes.

Followed by the computer.

Followed by the BD certs, passsport, Took a while to remember where I had these papers.

Then a few more clothes.

Oh, there is more time so in go the Fly tying vise and tools, threads, hooks, and some of the feathers and fur stuff.

Hmm, Do I take all the flies I have tied up. Guess not it is a big tote full of boxes. So in goes a bunch of water.

Actually the fly rods and float tube stuff had been in the vehicle for a couple of weeks already.

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 10-25-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Good question Scruffy_Fly. Hopefully by now you have been able to return to your home safe & sound. [/green][/size][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Glad that you brought this subject up as I neglected to include my golf clubs.[/green][/size][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I made a list some time ago which includes the following:[/size][/green][green][size 3] [/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][/size][/green][/font] [ul] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Laptop computer + external hard drive.[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Camera & lenses, VCR camera & videos[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Fly rods, flies & tying equipment, waders, boots, flippers etc[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]NRA hardware[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Some pictures & 40 years of 35mm slides, wedding album[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Insurance papers[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Clothing & haba travel kit[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Assorted tools[/size][/green][/font] [/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]Cell & wireless phones & assorted chargers[/size][/#008000][/font][/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]Golf clubs[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][/ul]

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I don't have a big car so I have to be rather selective with the big items.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]BTW I have inventoried just about everything that I own. Also have digital pictures of every room & garage.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]My thoughts & prayers to go out to all those who have suffered a personal loss during these stressful times. MGBYA[/size][/#008000][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Scruffy_Fly - 10-25-2007

We are back in the condo. The fire got with in about a couple miles from here.

My younger brother's place did not burn but the three houses backed up to his back yard are burned to the ground. My brother can not get into his house. It is going to be several more days at the earliest due to not having any electricity and the gas at burned houses not being adequately secured.

Her sister, L, and brother in law, F; Their house is okay but they also can not get into their house either. The fire burned up to their fence which is at a open space beltway. I guess that is where the fire department or a helicopter were able to put the fire out. L's next door neighbor's fence was partially burned.

Got three dogs and and several nieces and nephews staying here for now. My sister-in-law, G, and here sister, L, have a 50th wedding anniversary event planned for their ail parents this weekend, out of state with parent's friends and other relatives. I may need to go stay at a motel near Qualcom stadium to watch over L's two dogs, cat and bird While hubbies and wives are out of town. Can't imagine 2 adults, one child, two dogs, a cat, and a bird staying in one motel room for several days. Well I can imagine and it makes me shutter.

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 10-25-2007

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Good luck to you & your family.[/size][/green][/font][/center]

Re: [Dryrod] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Scruffy_Fly - 10-25-2007


I made the post so that you might find humor in my sense of priorities. A lot of it related to my being a fly fishing nurd and single.


Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 10-25-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Being single or a widower as I am one has different priorities than we had when we were married. Most of my stuff is about boy toys & memories. At least for me. Can't comprehend what it would be like to lose everything in a matter of minutes.[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - macfly55 - 10-26-2007

...hmmmmm what do I save?? my big fat backside.. [sly].. but have to admit if I had the time I do like your list..

MacFly [cool]

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - macfly55 - 10-26-2007

scruffy my friend.. glad to see you are back safe and sound.. read your other post and glad your house was not damaged... sounds like all of you families properties were okay...

.. now as far as the hotel room.. with all those people in town Id say rent one room for everyone else and then go to a different hotel.. (kidding)..

.. I would think at this point just having family about is the most comforting thing you could be doing.. at least that is the way I am thinking...

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dubie - 10-26-2007

If I was in that situation, I think I'd take.

-Photo's/Jewelry/other memorabilia
-My guns (They cost me a heck of alot more then fishing gear)
-Computer & accessories
-Army Gear (just because I'm evacuated from my home, doesn't mean they won't send me right back in to live in a tent, like they did in the BC fires)
-Boat and outboard, loaded with all my fishing gear

The rest can burn, I suppose.

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 10-26-2007

[cool][#005050]Might be advisable to have some drinking water & a quantity of non-perishable food. e.g. Power bars, nuts etc. Blankets & other related items for who knows where your temp home will be.[/#005050]

Re: [Dryrod] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - macfly55 - 10-27-2007 reality this is what I did when it looked like we might have to evacuate..

I grabbed the strong box with all the important papers like birth cetificates, marriage certificates etc..

I packed about three days of clothing changes..

I also packed all the toilitries that we needed including medications and antibiotics etc..

.. packed towels and coats cause the evening might get cool..

lastly I had a couple of bags ready to pack food.. water.. soda.. snacks as we went out the door..

.. I also made sure and filled my truck up with gas....

beleive it or not I decided while packing my truck was that my fly fishing gear was not that important.. so I took it out of the truck..

I know I know.. that was a mortal sin.. but I was stressing out so was not thinking straight.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 10-27-2007

[cool][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Now picture this MacFly - you and your bride have packed all your goodies and are headed to wherever the evacuees are schedule to go. Then you wife says " Mac look at that nice lake - & since you are so stressed out why don't you wet a fly for a few minutes. Duh man you forgot to bring your what?? Now why would you want to take a chance of disappointing you wife. Put your fly gear on your list.[/green][/size][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]Not trying to make light of the fire situation but sometimes one needs to stop & smell the roses.[/size][/#008000][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - macfly55 - 10-27-2007

... I said I took the gear out. that meaning my waders and boots.. my one rod was already out.. but..

my other rod with reel and small box of flies is packed out of the way of everyting else.. so. in the event that hell would freeze over and my wife were to say that.. Id be ready.. [sly][sly]

but.. I do have to say in support of my wife.. she is very understanding in my purchases recently.. and has said nothing negative.. now.. if I could only get her to say.....

fly tying.. and not

tye flying.. [sly][sly]

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Scruffy_Fly - 10-27-2007

When I was married the wife said tie Flying so much I got to saying it. After a couple of beers there was no way I was going to spit it out right the first time.

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - macfly55 - 10-27-2007 get to the point sometimes that I cant say it right either.. and Im not even drinking any beer.. [laugh]


Re: [macfly55] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 10-27-2007

[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey wait a minute guys - maybe the ladies were thinking that you were indeed flying a tie, like one flies a kite. LOL[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - macfly55 - 10-27-2007

... [sly] that is funny... if you think about it.. we do make the flies fly..

MacFly [sly]

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - tubeN2 - 11-05-2007

Welcome back Scruffy. Glad to hear you are doing fine and all is well with you and your family.

We had a close one up in my area but it never go closer than 4 miles.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - poky-mon - 11-06-2007

Welcome back Scruffy. Glad to hear you are doing fine and all is well with you and your family.

We had a close one up in my area but it never go closer than 4 miles.[cool]

I was 2 miles away not 4 [sly][sly]

Re: [poky-mon] Evacuate! - What do you Save? - Dryrod - 11-06-2007

[Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]If the wind is blowing in your direction at 70 - 80 mph,[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]even 10 miles is not safe.[/size][/green][/font]