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Michigan Primary today... - Printable Version

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Michigan Primary today... - davetclown - 01-15-2008

My last 2 cents before the polls open,

Grandholm has garenteed Lazy Hill the demecratic vote in michigan... and so she has delivered... even if you vote uncomitted lazy hill gets your vote....

well, its here, a month early,

but what are ya going ta doo, the top three contenders dont want to have anything to do with a state that is in a depression. 7.5% registered unemployment, a lot more when you add those who are eligable to work but do not receive unemployment benifits.

Huckabee says vote for him or dont vote at all... I dont know about voting for him, but I think for michigan he has a point, if a demacrat cant stop in michigan and give at least a false promice and show some kind of suport for michigan, why on earth should we give suport for them..? especialy the one who thinks they are going to take the state by default... Shameless act for a lack of ethics...

needless to say, it will be time to go out and vote in a couple hours...

take your ethics with you, if ya got any, ask god to guide you to the right candidate... stay away from voting for who you think will win, that is how we got the last 6 presidents...[crazy]

just remember, if a candidate is not willing to help the worst off state in the union, then they only have their own pocket books in mind and not the benifit of the contry...

for those of us who are old enough to remember when we last had a decent governer in michigan I ask ya to think carefully about the last 40 years and what we have gotten when the last candidates were given our vote... Clinton and Bushes did nothing for michigan... except to remove forien traid laws allowing allowing manufactures to take jobs streight from michigan to out of the country...

George Romney did a great job when he was in michigan, I am going say if his son is half the man his father is, this country will get a new future, one in wich I beleive we will all benifit...

Re: [davetclown] Michigan Primary today... - Jaackrabbit - 01-15-2008

I went down and voted in the MI Primary today. Took me a whole 5 minutes (if that). The key thing to do is to go vote just after lunch. Say around 2-3 pm. Absolutely no line at all... Walk in, vote, and out the door.

I'll be watching the results tonight but I doubt my guy will make it. He hasn't been doing that well and not polling very good in MI either. But you just never know.

Just remember... if you don't vote you can't complain.

Re: [Jaackrabbit] Michigan Primary today... - davetclown - 01-15-2008

most every body is votin absentee these days,

I just got back to bites ago... "doggie bites...LOL"

I am not ashamed to say I voted for Romney, any demecrat vote at all goes to clinton, even if you vote uncomited...

romneys dad did a lot for michigans hunting, fishing, and tourism industry when he was in office, the way I see it, if this romney is half the man as his daddie wasm we are in for an up swing.. bouy would it be nice to see michigan out of the 35 year resession...

I liked that ron paul guy, but I just cant see him on a national venue... altho he would make an exclient running mate... ron Paul actualy came to my house, bouy was I suprized...... I never expected that.... maybe I should have, since Ron Paul has his banners all over the neighbor hood...

Re: [davetclown] Michigan Primary today... - southernman - 01-16-2008

romney is a lying #@# . . . period

The former Massachusetts governor pandered to voters, distorted his opponents' record and continued to show why he's the most malleable — and least credible — major presidential candidate.
And it worked.

This is a man who campaigned for governor of Democratic stronghold Massachusetts as a supporter of abortion rights, gay rights and gun control — only to switch sides on those and other issues in time for the GOP presidential race. The first thing he did as a presidential contender in January was sign the same no-tax pledge an aide dismissed as "government by gimmickry" during the 2002 campaign.

He was a political independent who voted for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Massachusetts presidential primary; now he is a Reagan conservative. He was for embryonic stem cell research; now he favors restrictions on it.

[url ";_ylt=Av3rcHpIh3bN0wkPBp.gUSGs0NUE"][/url]


Re: [davetclown] Michigan Primary today... - davetclown - 01-16-2008

Clinton claims a hallow victory, only those who were going to vote for clinton showed up on absentee ballots. 99% of all democrats obstained from voting at all..

Democrats had the lowest turn out in michigan history...

on the republican side...
Mit Romney wins... Why? because McCane says michigan is screwed the jobs are gone and they aint commin back and there aint nothing any one can do about it...

Michigan wants a fighter... we want some one who is going to fight to suport not just our state but every state in the union... we dont want a pestimist or some one who dosnt even bother to not show up to represent.

just a side note, McCane lost michigan yet received twice the number of votes as Hilliary Clinton...