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LA County Park Lakes - Printable Version

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LA County Park Lakes - JapanRon - 04-20-2003

Hey there guys,

Here in the LA County, both the county and the California DFG have, for a number of years, had a 'fishing in the city' program where they combined forces to stock lakes within the county with catchable trout and catfish.

If you're curious and never have fished the various park lakes, you'll be pleased to know that the DFG website ( has a page giving the species, periods, and places where fish will be planted during the week. If you haven't taken advantage of this fishing opprotunity, now's the time to try it. Caution: Some lakes are already suspending trout plants.

Fish Plantings are not year-round. Once the weather and the lake waters begin to warm, trout planting will decease until suspended and continued planting of catfish will be made.

Most lakes' access is free to the public, while others charge entrance fees. DFG rules are inforced and a California fishing license is required for those over the age of 16.

These places are great to take youngsters and or practice up for that first fishing trip of the season.


Re: [ROMEROFISHERKING] Who's the Bad Boy????? - JapanRon - 04-20-2003


Good Grief! Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. As you say loosing your tackle is one thing, loosing the struggle to maintain certain freedoms and or rights of not only ourselves but future generations is quite another.

I've joined the United Anglers for the first time year and am looking at other organizations working for the values I hold dear.

Tomorrow is a much bigger day than was today or yesterday.


Re: [ROMEROFISHERKING] Who's the Bad Boy????? - davetclown - 04-21-2003

I will have to aferm your belief of anglers dont steel least alone form one another, they may not tell the truth about where they are fishing or what they were using for bait, but they dont steel.

on the other hand there are those who fish that are not anglers who are just looking for something to grab. the fact of the matter is, if they were fishng they would not see opertunities to releive others of their belongings, they would be paying attention to the water & weather conditions, to whether or not they were presenting their lures and or bait properly.

they are easy to spot, they dont hold ther rods properly, they are not watching for strikes, they are constantly scanning the horizian and pretending not to be looking. Baisicly they stick out like a soar thumb.

It is ashame that you can never let your gaurd down, you may never compeat with one on the water, but you can bet that they wait on shore just looking for an easy mark.

I am sorry this happened to you, I know the feeling, I lost a few hundred traps out of the back of my truck one night. It took me all season to rebuild my trap collection.