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Obamas speech - gdn443 - 03-19-2008

After hearing his last speech defending his pastor, he just cost himself any chance for the white house. Looks like the Dems are implodeing.

Re: [gdn443] Obamas speech - lunkerhunter2 - 03-19-2008

I love it! Dog eat dog![sly] I am terribly sorry i missed it. What was said in brief?

Re: [gdn443] Obamas speech - southernman - 03-19-2008

the only people making a big deal out of this is the racist repoops, and their echo chamber . .


Re: [gdn443] Obamas speech - Flycasting - 03-19-2008

I disagree.

I am no Obama fan, but I respect the fact that he condemned the questionable statements made by the pastor, but didn't go as far as condemning the man. I think that showed a lot of character.

I am sure we ALL have had influencial people in our lives that have made comments that we don't agree with or that we down right disliked. I'm a good Catholic, but I don't always agree with everything my priest says or everything the Pope says.

As a Republican, I was John Mccain in office. But if I had to choose a democrat, it would certainly be Obama over Hillary. And this whole issue would make that decision much easier for me.

Re: [southernman] Obamas speech - Flycasting - 03-19-2008

Chill out with the racist claims dude. There are racists in every party out there.

Re: [Flycasting] Obamas speech - davetclown - 03-19-2008

I am going to ride on your banner on this one,

Racism is nothing but an old Cane and Able story from the bible that no one ever seems to under stand...

as a 4-H leader we have been taught and I fuly agree with the pratice that we teach people how to think and not what to think.

and in essents we dont condem people, but do condem their actions, and fundimentaly disagree with thier philosophies... not one person here can say they agree 100% of what their own parents have tried to bring them up to beleive... We know better because we have learned first hand that those teachings was wrong....

I like the way obama said every time some one hears a raicial slure some one thinks they need special concideration or hand out, that inturn hurts other hard working americans reguardless of color because it takes away oppertunities that would otherwise been there for thier efforts...

We all continue to loose when we keep the raicial gambit going. when I say we, I mean every body on this small planet... Every time I hear some one speaking in racesism I have to ask, why would you want to play in to that game? There are oppertunist in every creed, and is just waiting for the chance to take advantage of your actions, why give them the oppertunity?

here is the killer part, well over 90% of all americans that have been here for the last 200 years are of black, indian and eurpiean decent. wich means that 90% of all Africanized americans are of white decent as well....[crazy] Including the reverand him self.... we are all related one way or another, just open your history books and read... We all share the same forefathers over the past 500+ years.. that right, not 200 but 500+ since the time of europiean settlments...

When ever I hear racism talk, it is proff positive to me that our education system has failed in teaching natural history.

Ya I remember the story about Geroge Washington who cut down the cherrie tree and then told on him self... It was 20 years later that I learned there was no cherrie tree, and George was a plantation owner and grew hemp "mary jane" and owned slaves. Wich makes me wonder, how many Europiean Africans walking around today are illigitamate offspring of old george him self?

cant no body tell me that adultry is only a modern day occurance. [crazy]

so again I will restate, any one crying race no matter the color of the bottom of his dogs feet is in essance just crying for a hand out...

Re: [gdn443] Obamas speech - davetclown - 03-19-2008

If hillery was the only democrat on the ballot, I would not vote for her, oh wait, she was the only democrat on the michigan primary ballot, and I didnt vote for her, and any one who did, their votes did not count... leave it to hillery to claim victory over nothing [laugh]

I still dont like McCane, but if I had to choose between him or her, no questions asked, McCane would get my vote... now if Obama comes up, well it depends on who the VP's will be as to who I vote for....[Tongue]

I had me a night mare a few days ago about stocks and a couple hills and our children in bondage to stockholders.... "Economic Slavory"

Re: [southernman] Obamas speech - gdn443 - 03-20-2008

SM, Obama had my vote till that speech. Yes it took big ones to make that speech, but it didn't win him anymore points.We'll have to wait and see.

Re: [Flycasting] Obamas speech - southernman - 03-20-2008

if you dont want to be considered a racist, then get the hell out of the party that doesnt even believe women should have control of their own bodies . .

Re: [southernman] Obamas speech - Flycasting - 03-20-2008

Wow... you are on one again. Do we need to change subjects from racism to abortion??? Cause they are not the same thing.

Re: [southernman] Obamas speech - BEARCLAW - 03-20-2008

I have zero concern for who you think may or may not be a racist. You think that racism isn't on both sides of the party lines? HaHa, Have you run senator Robert "KKK" Bird's name through your little As for women not having control of their bodies, how did they get pregnant? Well let me tell ya something, you've changed my find with all of those concrete facts:

I'm voting for Monica Lewinskies X-boyfriends wife...

Re: [BEARCLAW] Obamas speech - southernman - 03-20-2008

well people are twisting this so that to believe obama wrote the damn sermon for the rev wright . .

hey, im hearing this isnt altogether unusual talk in alot of black churches, and if thats their perception, well maybe some issues need to be discussed, so obama is saying lets talk about it, not sweep it under the rug . .

Re: [southernman] Obamas speech - BEARCLAW - 03-20-2008

Lets face it, rev. wright's sermon's are what they are. Personally, I think all the hubb-bubb has been created out of fear for what could happen if Obama doesn't distance himself. In fact, I thought his speech was a wise move. Unfortunaelty, I think most if not all of the preasure to do this was from inside his own party. You can bet shrillary was lickin her chops when rev. wright story first broke and has been trying to capatolize on it ever since. Rather than running on his/her own merits they run on a platform of how bad the other candidate is. Not just a demo thing either, happens equally on both sides.

Re: [BEARCLAW] Obamas speech - davetclown - 04-10-2008

I'm in on that one, I would vote for cernal sanders wife too she makes chicken finger lickin good...[Tongue]

as for who all is raisist, thay all is, thay is all - a raissin for the top seat of the white house....[Tongue]

Re: [BEARCLAW] Obamas speech - davetclown - 04-10-2008

with out a doubt, it is the same old same "0" politics as usual, no one cares or is talking about how we got in to this economic mess, war mess,

it is a fact you cant over come a problem untill you have addressed the facts as to how you got in to it in the first place... hence there can be no change in policy untill the facts are made public. If the stock market is driving our economy, then it needs to be put on a leash, no more shell games.... no more airplain crashes...

The stock dividends should represent one thing only, and that is how well or poorly a company has preformed during the past quarter... this stock traiding and demanding higher proffits is driving our citizens and economy in to the poor house... or should I say card board box, maybe that is what the 600 dollar stimulous check is for, to buy us a all a new carboard box to live in....[crazy]

its the avoidance of these issues that realy cripples our government, our economy and our quality of life... though this may be Sad but true, it is also true that this is going on all over the world... If we dont address the problem, how in heavens name can we expect the rest of the world to follow our example for a better world if ours is corrupt?......