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They call me Unsinkable because........ - Printable Version

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They call me Unsinkable because........ - Unsinkable300 - 07-27-2008

[fishin] They call me Unsinkable because I go for long rides on Flats Boats. Let me encourage you to watch for us in the news . We are taking a Flats Boat (Intruder 21 by Dream Boats, Inc.) all the way from Boston, Mass to Paris, France. We estimate the trip at 4235 miles.
We did something like this before a year ago. We took the same boat all the way to Bermuda from North Carolina, then on to New York. 91547
It was a lot of fun. When I asked my Brother Bob to come with me again all the way this time he jumped on the opportunity.
Details can be seen at [url ""][/url]
I am looking for support crew. Advance person, etc.

Re: [Unsinkable300] They call me Unsinkable because........ - wiperhunter2 - 07-27-2008

I would normally say welcome to the site but it appears you have been here for almost a year now. Good luck on your quest of being an expect boat building and a guide. Looks like some fine boats from what I can tell, how do they handle big waves? WH2

Re: [wiperhunter2] They call me Unsinkable because........ - Unsinkable300 - 07-27-2008

Thank you for the welcome. I love the pix of you and your catch. That is the whole idea, a flats boat that can run in only inches of water taking on big waves, even giant waves.
The movie was not my idea, but I love it. S-O-S: Most Dangerous Voyage.
On the last trip we got into some 8 - 9 footers a few hundred miles from shore. The boat seemed to do real well. We had big waves from several different directions during the trip. It was not too bad, actually a lot of fun.
Did you get a chance to watch all three videos at [url ""][/url]

Re: [Unsinkable300] They call me Unsinkable because........ - flygoddess - 07-29-2008

Very impressive! I would be puking my guts out! It does look like the ultimate ride!

Re: [flygoddess] They call me Unsinkable because........ - Unsinkable300 - 07-29-2008

You would not be sick, you would enjoy the ride, and the fishing especially for Tuna, Big Tuna.

Re: [Unsinkable300] They call me Unsinkable because........ - wiperhunter2 - 07-30-2008

I finally got a chance to see all three videos but in the first one from Youtube I did not see your boat, am I missing something? Your boat looks impressive on how shallow of water it will go through, does it have a jet drive? WH2

Re: [wiperhunter2] They call me Unsinkable because........ - Unsinkable300 - 07-30-2008

We use regular outboards.

Re: [Unsinkable300] They call me Unsinkable because........ - B52BomberGirl - 08-13-2008

very nice