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New FisherLady! - Printable Version

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New FisherLady! - Mermie - 08-07-2008


Hi! I'm new to fishing once again. I used to fish with my father when I was young, but stopped for 10 years or so. Now getting my interest back, and have been out a couple of times. Am looking forward to learning from your experiences and offering what I can. Seems I've lost a lot of what I used to know since it's been so many years since I fished often. Help me get my groove back! Please [Smile].

Nice to meet you all.

Re: [Mermie] New FisherLady! - macfly55 - 08-07-2008


Welcome to the BFT.. I think it is awesome that you are back on the road to fishing after your short vacation..

.. you do not indicate where you are from but I can personally gurantee that someone on this board can answer any questions you may have..

..and I am just as sure that your input will be invaluable to someone here..

as for forgetting a lot.. look at it this way..its like riding a bike.. it may take a bit.. but you will be racing back and forth on the street once you get back on it.. and you have already taken that first step..

MacFly [cool]

Re: [macfly55] New FisherLady! - Mermie - 08-07-2008


Thanks for the welcome! I sure hope I'll be racing this bike again soon. It's a little slow going right now. Not sure what kind of bait/lures to use and whatnot. I like freshwater fishing in lakes. And I would like to fish for Perch, Trout, and maybe even Bass. May want to leave the Bass for when I get better.

Re: [Mermie] New FisherLady! - macfly55 - 08-07-2008

what area will you be fishing in?


Re: [Mermie] New FisherLady! - Dryrod - 08-07-2008

Hi there Mermie - is that a nick name for mermaid? Just kidding. Welcome to the BFT and glad to see another lady join our membership. Flygoddess will be glad to see that you joined our ranks. Are you into fly fishing or just spinning?

Re: [Dryrod] New FisherLady! - Mermie - 08-07-2008


Hi. And thanks. I'll be fishing in Indiana. Freshwater. I'm Confused on the best baits for Perch/Trout. Help someone [Image: happy.gif].

Re: [Mermie] New FisherLady! - macfly55 - 08-07-2008

of the many forums we have on this board there are ones for each individual state.. you will probably get more accurate answers to your questions on bait to use etc if you go to the Indiana board.. .. but dont forget to post to any of the forums you think will give you the help that you will need.. as DR has said before.. we would love to see any and all posts of your outdoor adventures.. including pictures of course..

MacFly [cool]


Re: [macfly55] New FisherLady! - Mermie - 08-07-2008


Will do! I appreciate your help.


Re: [Mermie] New FisherLady! - tubeN2 - 08-07-2008

Welcome aboard Mermie and thanks for taking the time to register.

We are glad to answer any questions that you may have.

I believe I saw your post on the Freshwater board so we can continue any questions over there.

What is the name of your local lake there?? I do fish all over the US and have noted down some tips and tricks for every area that I fish.[cool]