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A message from TU - Dryrod - 09-17-2008

[font "Georgia"][#333333]The Senate is about to vote on a major package of public lands bills. This package contains over 90 bills, each one of which protects important public lands around the country. [url ""][#738a5a]Please visit our online action center to support the Senate omnibus public lands package, S. 3213, and to tell your senator to vote in favor of passage.[/#738a5a][/url] If the Senate successfully passes the package, then the U.S. House of Representatives will need to hold a successful floor vote before sending it onto the President.[/#333333][/font]
[url ""][Image: action_public_lands.jpg][/url][#738a5a][size 4]WHY WE CARE[/size][/#738a5a]
[font "Georgia"][#333333]Trout Unlimited's [url ""][#738a5a]Public Lands Initiative[/#738a5a][/url] has worked hard to move several of these bills through Congress. These are some of TU's top legislative priorities, some of which we have been working on for years. [/#333333][/font]

[ul][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]In Wyoming, the Sportsmen for the Wyoming Range coalition generated local support among hunters, anglers, outfitters and guides, to protect 1.2 million acres of public lands from energy development. The Wyoming Range is home to pristine waterways and wildlife habitat, making it an ideal place to hunt, fish and recreate. [/#333333][/font][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]In Oregon, Trout Unlimited has been at the forefront of the only sportsmen-led wilderness campaign in the country. The Sportsmen for Copper-Salmon coalition has been working to protect one of the last intact watersheds on the southern Oregon coast by supporting the 13,700 acre Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act. Few watersheds in Oregon can match the Elk River drainage and its healthy runs of wild winter steelhead, fall Chinook, coho salmon and sea-run cutthroat trout. [/#333333][/font][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]Idaho's Owyhee Wilderness bill would protect 517,000 acres of wilderness and nearly 316 miles of Wild and Scenic Owyhee River and tributaries. [/#333333][/font][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]In West Virginia, the Wild Monongahela Act will protect critical headwater resources in West Virginia. The streams within the proposed wilderness areas represent some of region’s most important coldwater resources and are among the last strongholds for brook trout in the U.S. [/#333333][/font][li][font "Georgia"][#333333]And in California, the San Joaquin River Settlement Act will authorize and fund numerous fisheries and watershed restoration actions pursuant to the settlement of legal actions regarding Friant Dam. Passage of this bill will end one of California’s longest-running water wars and allow implementation to move forward.[/#333333][#333333] [/#333333][/font][/li][/ul][size 3][/size][#738a5a][size 4]WHAT YOU CAN DO[/size][/#738a5a]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][url ""][#738a5a]Find your senator's contact information and call or write to support this package.[/#738a5a][/url] Phone calls and personal letters are the most effective means to showing support.[/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][url ""][#738a5a]If you don't have time to call or write a personal letter, please visit our online action center today and write to your senators and let them know that you strongly support the public lands package and encourage them to vote in favor of passage when it comes to the floor.[/#738a5a][/url] [/#333333][/font]