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Just get out an vote! - Printable Version

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Just get out an vote! - gdn443 - 11-03-2008

We've heard all the arguements these past months, so lets just get out and fill in the dots. Remember your local canidates and hold their feet to the fire as well. I told SM he'ed have his Democrat in office in 08 back 4 years ago. No matter how it turns out, I hope more peaple get involved with whats been going on in DC.

Re: [gdn443] Just get out an vote! - wiperhunter2 - 11-03-2008

I got out last Monday and voted, sure was easy doing it early.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Just get out an vote! - gdn443 - 11-04-2008

I'll be in line at 6am. LH2's post clenched it.

Re: [gdn443] Just get out an vote! - lunkerhunter2 - 11-04-2008

HUH! Don't be blaming anything drastic on me.[shocked]
Which post clenched it??

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Just get out an vote! - gdn443 - 11-05-2008

It was the alarming e-mail, that my liberal friends told me was taken out of context. Doesn't matter now as he won by a landslide. Hang on and we'll see where the ride takes us now.

Re: [gdn443] Just get out an vote! - lunkerhunter2 - 11-05-2008

My question is how in the hell they are going to get all those camels and sand over here to cater to his beliefs??

It is a Sad day for me no doubt. [pirate]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Just get out an vote! - TheFishSlayer - 11-06-2008

Me too buddy I may need to start looking fro a job since we won't be having a military anymore.

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Just get out an vote! - cat_man - 11-06-2008

Which beliefs of Obama require camels and sand exactly?

Please don't tell me you believe the crap about him being a Muslim? (And even if he were, what's wrong with that?)

Re: [cat_man] Just get out an vote! - lunkerhunter2 - 11-07-2008

I have absolutely NO problem with him being a muslim, i however do have a problem with him being associtaed with terrorists. In my opinion, trying to take our guns or ammo(like is being done right now) is nothing but terrorism.
I still can't see how he is truly american if he doesn't salute the AMERICAN flag.[Wink]