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new member - FFV - 11-04-2008

Hi, I'm FFV and I fish in Sassari (Sardinia - Italy).
I love fishing


Re: [FFV] new member - Dryrod - 11-04-2008

[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there FFV and welcome to the BFT. Are you a fresh or salt water fisherman what is your favorite species to fish? BTW thanks for registering.[/size][/#008000][/font]

Re: [FFV] new member - macfly55 - 11-04-2008

Hi FFV and welcome to the BFT... as DR said we do appreciate you taking the time to register and introducing yourself on this forum..

We look forward to posts from you in the future.. hopefully they will include pictures of the fish that you catch..

Again.. welcome to the BFT... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]

Re: [FFV] new member - bassngal - 11-04-2008

[fishin] Hi FFV and welcome to BFT! You will get alot of interesting information t this site

Re: [FFV] new member - wiperhunter2 - 11-05-2008

Welcome to the site FFV, thanks for joining. I see you uploaded a picture of a nice fish. I have never heard of a Glodfish, is there another name for that kind of fish? Please let us know if you have any questions about BFT.
We have a lot of great boards on BFT, even one for [url ""]Europe[/url], so feel fish to post a report on one of you trips and thanks for adding your picture. WH2

Re: [wiperhunter2] new member - FFV - 11-05-2008

thanks for your welcome. It's my fault (my english is not so good), in italian we call this fish orata tha't sounds like gold fish or fish with gold head (I think). So I directly translate this name (and I wrote it incorrect) but I am not sure of my job.
Sorry and thanks for your pacience

[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Sorry FFV but links & or addresses to links are not permitted in one's signature prior to them having a minimum of 15 posts. Kindly refer to my post on this forum addressed to new members or click this link for additional rules on posting.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][url ""]FAQ[/url]

Re: [FFV] new member - wiperhunter2 - 11-06-2008

Don't worry about any misspelled words or your english
FFV, there are plenty of us here in America that have a hard time with it also[Wink]. Keep posting the pictures we love to see them no matter what they are called[cool].
As Dryrod said you cannot add links to your post until you have 15 or more post. The reason behind this rule, is to prevent people from just coming on this site for no other reason than to advertise, thanks for understanding. Just in case you did not see it on your last post here is the link to the rules. [url ""][/url]

Re: [FFV] new member - Volman - 11-08-2008

Very nice to meet ya FFV.
Love fishing too and would really like to fish in Italy!!