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Well, it's done - Printable Version

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Well, it's done - lunkerhunter2 - 01-21-2009

He has been sworn in as president of the United States of America....
Can somebody please tell me why in the HELL it costs a moron like him $170 million to win a stupid election? Did he really need to lie to us that many times on TV?
I am un-happy with Obama in the office, but i am even more mad to find out how much money of tax-payers he had to spend to get his sorry ass there. I think he will be the worst president we have seen in many years. He will switch his faces(2-faced) and stick it to everybody who voted for him and the people of the USA.
I am going to go burry all my guns in PVC pipe now. Blast away.[Wink]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Well, it's done - cat_man - 01-22-2009

Didn't he not spend taxpayer money on his campaign? He went with private donations instead, and by doing so got way more money to fund his campaign than he would've by using taxpayer money.

Go [url ""]here[/url] to see Obama's campaign $ - $0 from federal funds.

Go [url ""]here[/url] to see McCains. $84 million in federal money was spent on his campaign. Hmmm.....

Anyway, I think Bush was the worst president we've seen in many years, so he'd have to be pretty dang bad to be worse than that.

Bush destroyed our global image, made more enemies for the US, and created more terrorists by far than he captured. He had a one track mind, couldn't admit mistakes, etc. etc.

I realize most Utahns are Republicans and will only vote republican, but man, they can be just as bad or worse than the democrats sometimes.

Re: [cat_man] Well, it's done - BEARCLAW - 01-23-2009

[quote cat_man]
Go [url ""]here[/url] to see McCains. $84 million in federal money was spent on his campaign. Hmmm..... [/quote]

Are you saying that Obama's rich friends (private donations by hollywood etc) actually bought the election?


McCain has always been about campaign finance reform so don't feed us that crap.[Wink]

Re: [cat_man] Well, it's done - lunkerhunter2 - 01-23-2009

If that is the case, my bad but it still doesn't change the fact it is absurd they have to use that much money to get elected.[mad]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Well, it's done - BertDawg - 01-23-2009

How much was spent just on that BS inagural party. Cut the BS party and speech and give the savings to the people of the USA in the form of tax credit or what not. If your really going to change the face of the gov. and give "hope" to the people. You phoney ass Jive historic MF. How bout Gov. Huntsman. He held his speech and party outside this year to save utahn's $150,000. I'm not saying I like that prick either but at least he's making an effort to save taxpayers money.

Re: [BEARCLAW] Well, it's done - cat_man - 01-23-2009

[quote BEARCLAW][quote cat_man]
Go [url ""]here[/url] to see McCains. $84 million in federal money was spent on his campaign. Hmmm..... [/quote]

Are you saying that Obama's rich friends (private donations by hollywood etc) actually bought the election?


McCain has always been about campaign finance reform so don't feed us that crap.[Wink][/quote]

I'm not saying McCain did anything wrong. Using that money was perfectly legitimate. I was just pointing out that the 'facts' he stated were false, and it was actually McCain, not Obama, who used taxpayer $$ for his campaign.

And yes, I'm sure all the money donated by those people who supported his campaign did have an influence on the election. We'll never know just how much though. Nothing illegal about that either.

I don't know how good of a President he'll be. I hope he'll make some improvements, restore good relations with other countries, help our economy, bring our troops home responsibly, etc. etc. I hope he doesn't royally screw up the second amendment.

All I know is, it would be very difficult to do worse than Mr. Bush, who gave us the Patriot Act, the biggest infringement of our rights ever, and who went into Iraq under false pretenses, starting a war that has spiraled into a nightmare, etc.

Most elections for me are voting for the lesser of two evils, unfortunately. [:p]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Well, it's done - cat_man - 01-23-2009

I agree a ridiculous amount of money is thrown into campaigns, commercials,etc.

I especially detest it when they become mudslingfests.

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Well, it's done - phatdaddy - 01-23-2009

One thing is for certain, Obama will have to pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat to save our economy. That will be magic trick #2 he's allready in the white house!!!

Reguardless of the money spent, he won by getting the votes of the young. I can understand this, the last 20 years have been, 4 years G H W Bush, 8 years of
Bill Clinton followed by another 8 years of the Dubya.

I think that the 2nd Amendment will stand, but you may want to stock up on ammunition, as that will be where the limitations will lay, with extreme taxation and limits of posession.

If the above offends any one, sorry, but just remember, I am from Utah and damn proud of it!!!!!!!


Re: [cat_man] Well, it's done - HaggardW - 01-26-2009

In keeping with your spirit of being fair to the facts... you can't really lay all that on President Bush alone... The house and senate also approved the war and the PA.... Beyond that, several countries followed the same information we did to enter Iraq. Sadam himself did everything in his power to "mystify" the truth... so he fooled us, shame on us.... now, I am not saying there wasn't an agenda somewhere, but I have family in the middle east in both military and civilian practice and to generalize the war as a mess that Pres Bush got us into for no reason other than a personal agenda really isn't a fair assessment of the facts....

just a thought.

Re: [HaggardW] Well, it's done - cat_man - 01-26-2009

All fair points. It is not his fault alone, but he was the leader and should take most of the 'credit'. As for the other countries that participated, they followed our lead, some willingly, some took more 'convincing'.

I believe Bush thought he was doing what was right going in there. He just wasn't.

Re: [cat_man] Well, it's done - HaggardW - 01-26-2009

That's a fair assessment [Smile]

With any luck we will give the new guy a fair run.. I didn't vote for him, but I think he deserves a shot and for the good of all of us and the country I am hoping he does well. He will have my support where I can and he will hear my decent where applicable ....

I love America [Wink]

Re: [HaggardW] Well, it's done - cat_man - 01-26-2009

Funny I'm the same yet also somewhat opposite.

I voted for him, as better than the alternative, but I'm very concerned he'll royally screw up our 2nd amendment rights.

I think he has a decent head on his shoulders though, and hopefully he'll do a decent job with the multiple messes our country (and the world) is in right now.

Re: [cat_man] Well, it's done - HaggardW - 01-26-2009

Ya, the 2nd concerns me as well, especially with the ability to pretty much pass anything on the DNC agenda. I am also concerned with the money he has. I think LH2 was hinting at this as well. Country logic tells me you don't get something for nothing... so if someone is giving you that kinda money, they expect something in return.... He has some shady ties (as do most politicians)

But we'll see... one of the great assets American's have possessed in the past and I am concerned we are loosing would be the ability to "get er done" We can disagree, even to fisticuffs at times, but when the dust settles we need to ban together and do the work... Well, it is time to ban together, that doesn't mean abandon principles or good sense, but it does mean even a DA can have a good idea and you shouldn't give up on it just because it came form a DA. As I look at the past 8 years, I am disappointed we have let Hollywood (TV ratings specifically) pull us away from this great attribute and create a nation of whiners and taddletells....

Well... that opinion and $1.75 will get you a big gulp. [Wink]

Re: [HaggardW] Well, it's done - tlspyder13 - 01-27-2009

With more then 500 promises to keep it will take a little time and even more money. Fact that money comes from both sides of a issue might get in the way eventually too.

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Well, it's done - Flagmanonice - 01-30-2009

How I look at it , anyone that we would get , will have a big job ahead of them, trying to get out of what the big businesses got us into !! Not naming names !! I'm just hoping both parties get together and do whats right for people , not their party!! Thats what their getting paid big bucks for !!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 2 cents

Re: [Flagmanonice] Well, it's done - gdn443 - 01-31-2009

Well said Flagman, I couldn't agree more. Time to stop giveing themselves big bonases when we have to bail them out. It's time to stop being a Dem or Rep and start working as an american.