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bibbons pond/twin ponds windham 4-25 - Printable Version

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bibbons pond/twin ponds windham 4-25 - tomc - 04-26-2009

went to bibbins pond sat morn,got the at 5 30 am.stood on the dam so i could get a good backcast..i first started with a sinking line with a small black woolybugger,used that for a half hour with no takers.i switched over to the floating line with a strike indcator,and a hares ear.i picked up a nice crappie,then a bluegill,and a couple more crappies.i stayed there until 7 30 .i was going to te natchaug river,but on the way i was passing twin ponds,so i decided to swing in.i havent been there for a couple years.twin ponds is just a couple holes in the woods,alittle hike to get there.still haveing the strike indecator on with the hares ear,on the first cast.i land a nice brown
made another get a smaller brown
in all i landed 7 browns,took two home for dinner
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Re: [tomc] bibbons pond/twin ponds windham 4-25 - gdn443 - 04-27-2009

Sweet deal. A place as nice as twin ponds and hold trout as well. It was a great day to fish. Nice pics.