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09 salt regs. - Printable Version

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09 salt regs. - gdn443 - 04-28-2009

Final Recreational Marine Fisheries
Regulations for 2009
Update: April 7, 2009

Winter Flounder
Minimum length: 12 inches
Daily creel limit: 10 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open April 1 - May 30

Summer Flounder (Fluke)
Minimum length: 19.5 inches
Daily creel limit: 3 Fish per Angler
Season: Open June 15 - August 19

Striped Bass
Minimum length: 28 inches
Daily creel limit: 2 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open Year Round

Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: 10 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
(Including "snappers")
Season: Open Year Round

Hickory Shad / American Shad
Minimum length: None
Daily creel limit: 6 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
(Both species in aggregate)
Season: Open Year Round

Blackfish (Tautog)
Minimum length: 14 inches
Daily creel limit: 4 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open Jan. 1 - April 30 and
Oct. 1 - Dec. 6
Daily creel limit: 2 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open July 1 - August 31

Weakfish (Sea Trout)
Minimum length: 16 inches
Daily creel limit: 6 fish
Season: Open Year Round

Scup (Porgy)
Minimum length: 10 1/2 inches
Daily creel limit: 10 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open May 24 - Sept 26

Party/Charter limits:
Minimum length: 11 inches
Daily Creel Limit: 10 fish per [Image: angler.gif],
June 12 - Aug. 31
45 fish per [Image: angler.gif],
Sept 1 - Oct. 15
Season: Open June 12 - October 15

Scup (Porgy)

White Perch
Minimum length: 7 inches
Daily creel limit: 30 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open Year Round

Black Sea Bass*
Minimum length: 12.5 inches
Daily creel limit: 25 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open Year Round
* Top Tail Fin Filament (Tendril) not
included in Minimum Length measurement.

American Eel
Minimum length: 6 inches
Daily creel limit: 50 fish per [Image: angler.gif]
Season: Open Year Round

Atlantic Cod
Minimum length: 22 inches
Daily creel limit: 10 per [Image: angler.gif]
No creel limit on Party/Charter Vessels
Season: Open Year Round

Minimum length: 19 inches
Daily creel limit: None
Season: Open Year Round

Minimum length: 19 inches
Daily creel limit: None
Season: Open Year Round

Blue Crab
Minimum shell width
(Spike tip to spike tip):
5 inches - Hard shell
3 1/2 inches - Soft shell
Daily creel limit: None
Season: May 1 - November 30