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HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - Printable Version

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HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - lonehunter - 06-18-2003


Re: [lonehunter] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - Flagmanonice - 06-18-2003

[Sad] to blurry to see on my computer ! Did you take this close to home ?


Re: [Flagmanonice] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - lonehunter - 06-19-2003

camera is an EL CHEEPO . the pics are down the road a hop skip and half a jump away . we usually have anywhere from a dozen to a couple hundred come thru the yard every month .

the really big guys stay in the woods (20+ pounders ) across the street or up in our pines .

Re: [lonehunter] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - Flagmanonice - 06-20-2003

[Tongue] You lucky dog ! , We have a few around , they hav'nt taken off since their planting last year , but it wont be long ! Back growing up in North Dakota , we saw them all the time !


Re: [Flagmanonice] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - lou - 06-27-2003

ya hear ya on mine too but as fer as outlines i thought 3. later mare[Smile]then i thought i saw one in tree.

Re: [lonehunter] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - lou - 06-27-2003

that,s cool. eat alot of turkey?? hahha like to see them big ones. think ours survived ok this yeear been seein qoutie a few. it was hard fer em this year here alot of crust. fer the deer too. later

Re: [lou] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - lonehunter - 06-29-2003

do we have a lot of turkeys ? like stars in the sky !

we had a split rail fence going up our driveway , we had to take it down because they liked to hang out on it during the day , too much bird dooty for this guy , it stank bad .

wild turkeys are better than any butterball i ever ate .

Re: [lonehunter] HOW MANY DO YOU SEE ? - lou - 06-29-2003

i hear ya there! i,ll agree. but all dark meat. there,s some that light like the breast and doesn,t to me taste like the darker parts. isn,tthat funny?? but i love it too!! how ,any can ya take a season>> we can git 3. bow and shotgun. bow 2 spring 1 that,s funny bout the rail fence. i didn,t think they,d do htat. i figured just the trees. cause the fence is close to the ground. later