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is the steam in danger.. - Printable Version

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is the steam in danger.. - lurtch - 06-15-2009

i was fishing a small trout stream that ive fished for a long 3 nice browns and i surprise..a 24 inch channel cat..alot of fun to fight but it makes me wonder if the watter conditions are going downhill or the streams getting to warm...ive never cought a catfish here in 20 years..

Re: [lurtch] is the steam in danger.. - jigs - 06-16-2009

I dont know how much the cats would hurt the trout fishing, true a 24 inch cat can eat a fairly large trout but a trout is agile and very spooky. I would maybe call your local f&g and see if they know there in there. They may already know or have known for years.

Re: [jigs] is the steam in danger.. - lurtch - 06-16-2009

i was more concerned about the stream itself..the watter should be to cold for cats..if its not then the trout population could be in danger..and they just planted it again this year..can a catfish live in a coldwatter trout stream..

Re: [lurtch] is the steam in danger.. - jigs - 06-18-2009

i know some of utahs stock ponds plant cats in the summer and those ponds freeze hard in the winter and they survive, the bear river freezes hard in the winter and they survive. What kind of cat was it. Channel and blue spawn at 70 to 84.

Re: [jigs] is the steam in danger.. - jigs - 06-18-2009

trout can live in that same range. especaly a brown.

Re: [jigs] is the steam in danger.. - lurtch - 06-18-2009

it was a channel..nice one just surprised me to find him inthere..this creek is onlt about 15 to 20 foot wide..deepest hole is maybee 5 to 7 feet deep..

Re: [lurtch] is the steam in danger.. - ozark - 06-23-2009

No real cause for concern. If you fish just about any trout stream in the east or midwest enough, you'll occasionally catch an extremely lost catfish. I don't know what stream your speaking of, but if there is a warm-water area downstream of where you fish for trout, or the stream into which it flows holds catfish, it is altogether possible the catfish just migrated from that area.

But who knows.

Re: [ozark] is the steam in danger.. - lurtch - 06-25-2009

thats pretty much what i was thinking..the creek is a tributary of a warmer watter river known for catfish..just the first one id ever cought there..