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ID guy looking for CA fish - AverysAdventure - 06-28-2009

Hi All,
I'm going to be in LA July 6-13 to see the inlaws, I usually fish why the wife visits. I've hit a lot of FW lakes for bass and have had some good luck over the years. Now that I've explored some I'd like to concentrate on a few. I think Castaic will be my main target this time. I really enjoyed it the few times I fished it.
Pier fishing has been good to me and the nephews and we'll do that for a day or two. I've tried surf fishing and fishing from rocks for whatever but haven't had much luck with that.

So if anyone has any info they'd like to share with me on Castaic or SW fishing in SoCal I would appreciate it.

Something I haven't done is a overnight Tuna trip - what time of year is best?

Tight lines,

Re: [AverysAdventure] ID guy looking for CA fish - fuzzyfisher - 06-28-2009

well as far as Castaic go's i dont know to much about it.. but the SW fishing i can help ya a bit on that..

if you have never taken a over night charter to ether of the islands ya should do that for sure!! it's a hoot big time!! look up pier point Charters in long beach i think they got some great boats and good prices.. stop in the aquarem there too it's very cool!!

surf fishing or pier fishing can be fun as well. just need to fish in the right areas.. for the pier i have found fishing just ahead of where the waves brake is one of the best places for crocker,perch,corvena, and even the sharks and ray's hang out there.. bait is the most inportent thing there tho.. some sand crabes, ghost srimp or blood worms.. well put the perch and crockers on the pier most all the time.. anchovy's and squid work ok to..

surf fishing is more timeing then anything.. best time is high tide.. big problem is it's hard to get to a beach that dont have a lot a pepole swiming all over it!! night is the best time you can get some nice corvena in the surf with sand crabes or 2 or 3 inch twisty tail grubs..

good luck to ya!!

Re: [fuzzyfisher] ID guy looking for CA fish - AverysAdventure - 06-29-2009

Thanks Fuzzyfisher!

I've done some 1/2 day trips for Sand Bass and had a ball. Prices are right and they eat good. I've been wanting to do a overnighter to the islands but for reason haven't. I'll make a res. tomorrow.

Pier fishing: I've caught lots of Mackerel and thats about it. Some may think that I'm crazy but they are a tasty little fish fried up fresh. I've seen people catching perch back by the wave breaks but I also have seen them having problems with the surfers so I tend to stay out further. Manhattan is usually where I go because it seems a little slower paced and not as crowded. Even there I've seen surfers hooked by the perch guys even though the surfers are supposed to stay out beyond casting range. How do you rig for perch? Drop shot?

What about King Palms area? I've fished the rocks there several times with no luck. There has got to be some fish there but I haven't figured out how to hook up.

I'll buy the beer and gas for anyone wanting to show me some places!!! [cool]

Tight Lines,

Re: [AverysAdventure] ID guy looking for CA fish - fuzzyfisher - 06-29-2009

yeah i have snaged my fair shere of surfers my self.. lol they get a little pissed when ya put a 2/0 bait holder in them!! lol oh well they should stay away from the peir!!

as for fishing off the rocks. there is lot's of fish in and around the rocks. it's kind-a hard to fish the rocks tho ya got to keep your line up out of the rocks or you will be snaging up a lot.. i have done realy good fishing top waters and swim baits around the rocks..

the swim bait's are some of the best things to use off the rocks or on the charter boats.. i think any game fish out there will hit them.. try and find some in blue and white and green and white.. with 1 oz to 1 1/2 oz heads. i find a lot of the time i did good just casting it out and reeling it back right close to the surface.. but if that dont work let it seink down some and start reeling.

here is a pic of some of my favrite baits for SW,,

Re: [fuzzyfisher] ID guy looking for CA fish - AverysAdventure - 06-29-2009

That's great info Ron - thanks!