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Starting surf fishing - Printable Version

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Starting surf fishing - FEESHAMAN - 08-19-2009


i was wondering if i could get some advice on a surcasting outfit. Any advice on rods reels and terminal tackle that could handle most species would be great.


Re: [FEESHAMAN] Starting surf fishing - Tarpon4me - 08-20-2009

I guess it really depends on what you're going to target. I don't know where you are fishing, off of what coast, so I don't know how to give you specific advise.

I know off the coast of NC, big striped bass hold just past the breakers, large bull drum hold in the surf of both carolinas and down the eastern seaboard. Whiting, sharks, pompano, etc.... Do you have an idea of what you're going to target?

I'd say a good outfit would be a 10' spinning rod and a matched spinning reel. For the rod, the Penn power stick surf rods have been getting good reviews. Bass Pro has them for about 65 bucks. For the spinning reel, i'd go with a Penn Sargus or Fin Nor offshore series. They are all metal and bullet proof. I personnally use those two reels with high test braid for all my big fish apps.

Terminal tackle will depend on your target species. You'll need to clarify.

Re: [FEESHAMAN] Starting surf fishing - FEESHAMAN - 08-20-2009

Thanks for the help. Id probably like to target stripers. Id definately be fishing off the east coast. Id also be interested in albacore, or red drum. Any other east coast species i could target would be great too.

Re: [FEESHAMAN] Starting surf fishing - Tarpon4me - 08-20-2009

A penn Sargus 7000 spooled with 20 or 30 pound Suffix Braid would do you good. You'll get plenty of line compacity, and a good all around outfit. Where are you fishing out of? NC? SC? GA?

Re: [FEESHAMAN] Starting surf fishing - FEESHAMAN - 08-21-2009


Id probably be fishing on the north-eastern coast. I dont live on the coast, but visit often. so i guess versatility is important, because i guess i go down south sometimes too. I realize this probably isnt much help. If i could get any help on species specific rigs and tackle/ lures would be great. I appreciated everthing so far, so thanks.

Re: [FEESHAMAN] Starting surf fishing - Tarpon4me - 08-21-2009

Your best resource is the local bait and tackle stores where you're going to be fishing. I'd recommend giving them a call a day or so before you decide to head their way. Find out what's biting, and they'll be able to tell you what they have been biting on and what type of rig to use. Locals know best, and usually the tackle stores are the best resource. They want you to catch fish so you'll come back and buy more tackle and bait. [Wink]