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bear visit - lonehunter - 10-26-2009

I was in my blind until dusk yesterday , then when I opened the door this morning had quite a shock .
The entire front of the blind was ripped open . All of my gear was left so I know it wasen't some theiving rouge hunter , then I saw the paw prints in the mud under the leaves , paws were 8" wide .
No food in the blind , no bait pile nearby , I gotta figure it was looking for a dry place to hold up in .
I spent the day rebuilding the blind , gotta finish it during the week .
Anyway , thought it was an out of the ordanary thing to have happen , glad I wasen't in it when it came calling .

Re: [lonehunter] bear visit - lurtch - 10-26-2009

you know even if you rebuild it...your still not gonna wanto be in you dont stay till dark

Re: [lonehunter] bear visit - davetclown - 10-26-2009

I bet you were glad he wasnt still in there when you got there...[shocked]

You may be ok, I think the hammering and banging will drive him off deaper in to the woods.. Its posible he chaced him self a possom up in to the shack.

But I think to be on the safe side, you may want to bang a cople pans before stepping out after dark in the near future.. lol.....

might be another good idea to set up the game cam to watch the blind over the next few nights...

Oh, are you sure your neighbor with the apple pile isnt a skin walker? turning him self in to a bear and going at your blind for turning him in? LOL [laugh] Sorry, but you had to know that joke was comming...[sly]

Re: [lonehunter] bear visit - Jaackrabbit - 10-26-2009

YIKES... sounds like a close encounter of the furry kind.

Believe it or not we also had a Bear Scare ourselves over the weekend.

My aunt was on her way home the other night and as she pulled into her driveway her headlights sweep across the yard and she saw a black bear in the treeline off the edge of the property headed right towards her house. She, or course, freaks out and calls her hubby in the house from her cell phone. All he hears is her screaming....


My uncle grabs his gun, the son flips on the front flood light and they both go outside and see...............

a cow

A small black calf had wondered into the yard from the farm just down the road. Yup that's right ..... the bad ole killer bear that was surely on it's way to eat through the car and kill my aunt was nothing more than a calf munching on some grass in the middle of the yard.

Needless to say word has spread fast about the "killer cow" and I'm sure we will all be teasing her about it for a while to come. I wonder how many stuffed black cows she's going to get for christmas this year from all her brothers [laugh][laugh][laugh]

Re: [Jaackrabbit] bear visit - davetclown - 10-26-2009

Ya gotta watch out for them ferochous MooBars, lol...

Has the sighting been reported to the local papers and law inforcement agenceies yet? [sly]

Have the dogs been turned loose to hunt down this killer?

Have the bucket bregades shown up from the volunteer fire department to pick bail up all the killer milk.

Has hershies been notified one of its chocolate cows has acaped and gone on a rampage?

Has your aunt thought about leagaly changing her Name to MooBar?

Have all the kids started calling her "Aunty MooMoo"?

ya she's gonna have a hard time living this one down... LOL

gotta love it... That rates up there with cheech and chong's "Bleach Lady" LOL

Glad she's ok, But in the near future I see this eppisode is going to be milked to death... [sly]

Truth is, I bearly see an end of this running joke... LOL

Next time you see her, Give her a Big Bear Hug... [cool]

Re: [davetclown] bear visit - lonehunter - 10-28-2009

Happy cows want to go to california , ticked off cows go around scaring lil old ladys [Image: happy.gif].

movie ; "moo over my-auntie "(moon over miami)

maybe that cow was a 007 fan , acting out that moooovie "mooo(n)-raker"

ya' got to admit that thinking she saw a bear must have been a moooo-ving expearance .

We are all gonna burn in hell for having this much fun at her expence [Image: happy.gif].

Re: [lonehunter] bear visit - davetclown - 10-28-2009

She'll know she's in trouble when the grand kids start reciting the ole' nurcery ryme.....

Hey diddle diddle played the cat with the fiddle when the bear jumped over the Mooooon.... [:p]

Ya AL, we should all be ashamed of our selves for having so much fun at her expecne, maybe we should send her a simpithy card. Any one know where we can find a card with flowers growing in a pasture? [sly]

Good thing her name isnt Patty, I can her the old tune being sung from here, Yippi Yi-aaa Cow Patty... [shocked]

But seriously, I didnt think bears were that far south.. they are not like mountain lions that can travel 50 miles in a day and not be seen....

I am glad she is ok and her nerves have settled down to the point she can laugh about it..

Re: [davetclown] bear visit - lonehunter - 10-28-2009

We've seen bear down in Hudson , mi. , near Cabela's .
I remember when you could head out to brownstown township near metro airport and take a deer or bear with your deer tag .

Re: [lonehunter] bear visit - Jaackrabbit - 10-29-2009

A moooo-ving experience... LOL [Image: happy.gif][Image: happy.gif][Image: happy.gif]

You guys are killin me with this stuff. We are going over tonight to cut some wood .....Thanks for all the new ammo for her !!!