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Thursday Rally!! - Printable Version

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Thursday Rally!! - BobO - 09-30-2001

Thursday October 4 will be the date the California Fish and Game Commission makes its first decision on marine closures.<br><br>This will occur at Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute on Mission Bay. Its at 2595 Ingraham Street across from Dana Landing and adjacent to Sea World on west side. Meeting starts at 9 am. Reserves will probably come up between 10 and 11am. By water it is just East of the Ingraham Street Bridge, between the bridge and the Seaworld Skyride. <br><br>We are going to have some boats demonstrating in front of institute on the water between 10 and 11am. Everybody who can come should come. This is very important. Bring your boat, if you can. If you want fish the morning bite and come in and join the demonstration. We will have shore boats for those who wish to come to shore and make comments or fill out statements for the commission..<br>Those who would like to parade their hardware on trailers in the parking lot are welcome also. The institute has a large parking lot, sort of an overflow lot for Sea World. Parking is free. Or just come anyway you can get there. UASC has a bus departing from Huntington Beach in the early AM and returning to HB in the early evening. Transportation is free. Call UASC for bus info and to reserve a bus seat. <br>Just showing up makes a huge statement. I recommend everybody at least fill out speaker cards. You don't have to speak if you don't want to. The cards have a place where you indicate if you want to speak or you can just write some comments on the card and the commission will receive them. Folks can come in fill out the cards sometime in the morning on Thursday after 9am and then go about what they want to do for the rest of the day. Its not necessary to sit there all day. Ideally we will have a peak crowd around 10 or 11 am but public testimony will be going on most likely until closing around 5pm.<br><br>IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT MARINE CLOSURES MAKE A POINT TO BE THERE!!!<br><br>Map to location:<br><br><br><br>Call UASC at (714) 840-0227 for more details.<br><br><br><br>