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How Would You React. - Printable Version

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How Would You React. - thegame - 07-21-2003

[center]Looks like a big dolfin but It would still be scary.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=253;]

Re: [thegame] How Would You React. - anglerp - 07-23-2003

NO kidding i think i might have more than a wet suit if i saw that....patti

Re: [thegame] How Would You React. - lonehunter - 07-29-2003

scotty , i need full reverse thrusters now !!!

Re: [thegame] How Would You React. - ALAN - 07-31-2003

After my heart started beating and I wiped my ass I'm not sure what Id do then.

Re: [ALAN] How Would You React. - theangler - 08-01-2003


I've never seen a dolphin that looked like that. Is the photo legit?

Re: [theangler] How Would You React. - thegame - 08-01-2003

I don't know if it is legit or not.I just saw it on the net and thought it was interresting.I was looking at the nose and tail. The tail looks horizontal instead of vertical. The nose looks long and pointed. Who Knows>

Re: [thegame] How Would You React. - theangler - 08-01-2003


Either way it is definetly one cool looking pic, thanks for posting it!

Re: [theangler] How Would You React. - aquaman - 08-02-2003

the same picture is posted on the float tube board its supposedely a great white shark go to the tube board to see a big discussion on it


Re: [aquaman] How Would You React. - thegame - 08-03-2003

I just posted it because i think it looks cool.I am 99% positive it is a big dolfin.A sharks tail runs vertical, up and down.A dolfons tail is horizontal like a whale.The top part of a shark's tail is much longer than the bottom and extends far behind the bottom part, like a rutter except sticking up.A sharks nose is more blunt than a dolfins " bottle type " nose.

Re: [thegame] How Would You React. - shark_hunter - 08-04-2003


Re: [thegame] How Would You React. - ssor - 08-10-2003

This pic sure has my attention! Does any one know when and or where it was taken?