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Common weedkiller turns male frogs into females - Printable Version

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Common weedkiller turns male frogs into females - lonehunter - 03-03-2010

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Re: [lonehunter] Common weedkiller turns male frogs into females - davetclown - 03-03-2010

you would thinnk that would lead to more frogs,
actualy, it leads to less frogs, I heard the transmuted female frogs are steril, and there are then less males to do their job.

so this is not good....

Re: [lonehunter] Common weedkiller turns male frogs into females - davetclown - 03-03-2010

I went back to read the rerport,

I got curious, and thought this study may have been different than the other studies I have read about animal sex changes.

acording to the roeport, the frogs layed viable eggs, they did not say weather or not they hatched the eggs.

we do know that every fertilized chicken egg is a viable egg, we also know not every chiken egg will hatch.

It would bave been more interesting to find out weather or not the eggs hatched in to fully functional frogs. I would have been more intrested in the next genneration of frog, Yes the devistation to first generation frogs is alarming, but what about the next genneration.

we seen what happened to eagles and other wild life when DDT was used wide spread across the contry, the next genneration suffered brittle bone syndrom do to the lack of calcium building agents that were normaly found in the birds.

one could conclude that DDT is the cause of much of the arthritus that will plague the baby boom of the 50s and 60s who are now reaching retirment stages in their lives.

like DDT, atrezine was use contry wide with out regulation up though the 70s. with the increased same gender orientated people poulation one could conclude that there is something to this study of the frog changing its orientation either partly hormonal or completely phisicaly .

Atrazine in michigan is now a controlled substance, Another chemical in the same family of Atrezine is Simazine "sory spelling" is now more commonly used in agriculture.

now, here comes the scary part.....
if humans are susseptable to Atrazine as with frogs but lacking the genetic make up to be able to completly make a phisical change, wouldnt this lead to more same sexed partners, and worse yet abnormal sexualy orentated people who find them selves under lock and key for crimes to society. One can only wonder and make conclutions of their own as to weather the victoms of these horrible crimes and the criminals them selves are realy victoms of Atrazine contaminstion.

We know for a fact that Dow chemical co. would fight any study made in this area to the end, but I hope for humanity's sake that some one else sees the bridge or link between the two as being a posibility and heads up a study.

I think what was uncovered here was just the tip of the iceburg.