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141 - Printable Version

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141 - GP - 03-16-2010

Great editorial and cartoon against 141 in Ogden Standard Examiner today. I mailed it to Govenor. I wish someone could post it on this site. Good article on Montana trespass law in Fly Fisherman magazine.

Re: [GP] 141 - flygoddess - 03-16-2010

Idaho as well. That is what we brought up last year. All these other states have been doing it all along with no problems.
For some reason, Utah was hell bent on finding something wrong with it. Even a few trumped up photos.
There is no reason to take our constitutional rights away from us except one......MONEY! They don't care squat about us....they don't work for us, they use us.
Now if we can figure out how to right this.......

Re: [GP] 141 - HFT - 03-17-2010

Watching the news tonight,looks like the Gov. is not wanting to go along with this foolishness of law suits against our own government.
Somebody needs to tell those good ol boys about glass houses and throwing stones.

Re: [flygoddess] 141 - macfly55 - 03-17-2010

you wanna right this.. vote the butt heads out of office... get people in there that actually have the best interests of their constituents in mind and not the money lining their pockets.. and I say start from the senate down... too many of them have been in their for too long.. and it doesnt matter what state is in question.. they are all the same.. just my .02


Re: [flygoddess] 141 - TigerTrout - 03-17-2010

Bad news kids, the Gov. is related to the Aults who have made such a fuss up on the Provo. Publicly he may anguish but in the end he will sign. Watch & see.

Re: [TigerTrout] 141 - sinergy - 03-17-2010

He may or may not pass the bill but I 've spoke to enough people and will continue to spread the word that if these politicians pass 141 that we will not vote for them, we will do everything in our power to see they do not get reelected and will keep fighting for our constitutional rights.

Re: [sinergy] 141 - Troll - 03-17-2010

I think Herbert will not sign the law, it is to much of a hotspot for him in this, his first election. He will simply not sign and wait for it to become law anyway, the easy way out.
Voting against them is not enough.

Look what the Eagle forum has been able to do, if Gayle so much as gives a politician "the look" they cower and grovel to her. I ask you, what does the Eagle Forum conribute to the state?

What must be done and it has to start today is that fishers, like you and me must begin to canvass our neighborhoods and convince our neighbors to go to the party caucus's this coming tuesday at 7pm in your precinct and get people from our side elected as delegates to the party conventions. These caucus's are attended by very few and with a little planing and effort we can stack the deck with fishers on every committee and post and have a majority of delegates at the conventions. This will in turn give us the political power to nominate who we want to run in this years election. With our people in office we can make sweeping changes to HB 141 by ammending it.
That is how law making works, we may have lost this year, but with the entire house up for re-election we can install enough friendlies to gut 141 next year and completely flip it to our advantage.

Fifty of the seventy-five seats in the UT house come from Davis, Salt Lake and Utah counties, that's 2/3 of the house, an easy majority and a veto proof majority. I can't believe that the 1/3 from rural UT can control the house the way they do, How can they do this? Because we in the cities that pay the majority of taxes don't care enough to get involved in the process.

If you need information or help on how to take control or our government and push issues that matter to us through the legislature contact me.

Re: [Troll] 141 - sinergy - 03-17-2010

I agree if someone could come up with a flyer or some literature with the major points of how HB141 is not good for the general public I wouldn't be above going door to door and handing them out.

Re: [sinergy] 141 - GP - 03-17-2010

The farm bureau has an article in the Ogden Standard Examiner this morning . If you want to throw up read it. It pays to hire lobbyists.

Re: [sinergy] 141 - kochanut - 03-17-2010

anyway you guys could copy/paste these reads? proxy blocks me getting to their respective sites and i dont want to punch a hole in the fire wall just for me. thanks