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Bluefin???? - Abbadoo - 08-04-2003

I fish primarily in Ipswich bay and sometimes beyond, weather permitting. Have been on the lookout for any sign of tuna and sofar have seen nothing, not even any bait or bluefish. Does anyone have a report on wear they may be and what is expected for this season. I like to fish for the school tuna and had some success last year. Any info appreciated.

Re: [Abbadoo] Bluefin???? - byrumjr - 08-05-2003

[font "Arial"][size 2]Welcome to Big Fish. Always good to see new names here. I am not familiar with that area. However if there are charter boats there I would follow them and try to see where they go. Hopefully someone else will have a answer for you.[/size][/font]

Re: [Abbadoo] Bluefin???? - fishingmexican - 08-05-2003

out in san clamenty island there catching lots of blue fin

Re: [fishingmexican] Bluefin???? - DH_tubinjoe - 08-06-2003

no they aren't raul, they aren't catching much at san clemente. just the yellows occasionally. the albacore are making there way up the coast though. that Big Fish Tackle charter on the Blue Horizon should be another AWESOME trip! I can't wait.


Re: [DH_tubinjoe] Bluefin???? - fishingmexican - 08-06-2003

what are you talking about i talkd to nick and yong and they both said that bluefin were biting. (nick the guy frome the truline)

Re: [fishingmexican] Bluefin???? - DH_tubinjoe - 08-06-2003

alright watever dude!


Re: [DH_tubinjoe] Bluefin???? - fishingmexican - 08-06-2003


Re: [fishingmexican] Bluefin???? - JYoung - 08-07-2003

So theres bft at san clemente island yet they arent even getting hardly any at all at 70-80 miles south of point loma, well thats a little hard to swallow.

The next BF charter is aug. 28th right? I think school is gunna start up again by then but if not I will be on that trip too.

Re: [JYoung] Bluefin???? - Abbadoo - 08-07-2003

You guys didn't read my question. I am on the east coast, north of Boston. We had agreat scholl bluefin bite last year and was curious if anyone has seen or heard anyhting on them this year in my area.

Re: [Abbadoo] Bluefin???? - JapanRon - 08-09-2003

Hey there Abbadoo,

Yes, I did read your initial post but as my direct experience is related to Southern California BFT, I figured I hadn't anything to offer. What I should have done was suggest the obvious and refer you to our state by state message boards and any applicable charter services who advertise with B(ig) F(ish) T(ackle). A number of charter services also have sites with reports and message boards where you might get the latest info on those pesky bluefins.

Apolgies to you if you are a savvy internet user and website search pro.

Just for fun I was curious about what was different between the Atlantic and Pacific Bluefin tuna. They have the same scientific name but it seems like the East Coast catches them at their greatest weights on the average. What weight do you consider a school BFT 100 pounds?

I saw some pictures of these 200+ BFT being caught with the New York skyline in the background! Awesome. Let us know of your fishing adventures or miSadventures. ha ha


Re: [JapanRon] Bluefin???? - Abbadoo - 08-11-2003

Hi JapanRon,

No apologies necessary. It is just that getting any info on fishing in our area is tough. There is a lot of gtreat fishing too but not much in the realm of discussion boards etc. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that the BFT fishery is potentially very lucrative and people tend to keep things quiet. Fish Knowledge is hard earned with al ot of time on the water required and even more so when it comes to Tuna.

The school bft around here range in size from 30 - 200 lbs. Most fish are in the 100 lb class and put up one heck of a fight. I use 50's , 9.0's and 6.0's. The fish at times can be seen from shore. The problem is that they are not consistant, meaning that they may not show up at all, the school fish I mean.

The large BFT are starting to show up and some boat will travel 50-70 miles offshore to access. There is no guarantee that you will catch anything either and the sea conditions can be very dangerous this time of year. We have also had a ton of bad weather so my hopes for a good season are diminishing.

I guess that why they call it fishing right. I have booked a trip with my wife to fish down in Lapaz and Cabo Mex this Sept. We have fished there before and really h ad a great time. The fishing hopefully will be good there as long as there aren't any storms.

What do you use for bait/lures on bft out your way? We use large squid rigs, small swimmers and sometimes even crippled herring spoons. You can go right through a school of feeding fish and they wont even take a sniff. Other times I think you could be trolling an old shoe and they would hit it.

The big fish are generally caught on chunks or live bait, not my type of fishing, kind of like watching grass grow and the dozens of times I have gone and fished thi way, we came up empty.

Nice chating with you, any insight you can offer on these tough to catch fish is appreciated.