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Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - Printable Version

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Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - windriver - 07-19-2010

Got back yesterday from a four day canoe trip to Shoshone Lake in Yellowstone. Steelfisher and I were the trip leaders for 14 scouts and 6 leaders spread out between three different camps. Needless to say I had a wonderful time, but I am glad it is over and everyone is home safe.

Not all the scouts wanted to fish but everyone who got a license caught a least one fish. I felt like the fishing was a little tougher than last year because I never could find a really large group of fish it was just one here and one there with the exception of one large school of lakers that I found in shallow, but they were very spooky.

We used lead free jig heads on white tube jigs, as well as spinners and wobblers. The jigs worked out deeper and the spinners for the more shallow fish. One of the leaders figured out a way to take cheap steel barrel sinkers and tie them to a Matzuo hook and then insert them into the tube. That seemed to work best for a cheap non-lead solution.

Attached are a few pictures of the scouts and their fish. As far as canoe trips go. Shoshone lake is one of the best in the area.


Re: [windriver] Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - ironrod - 07-19-2010

Thanks for sharing. Still haven't done the canoe thing on Shoshone but someday soon- love the pics!

Re: [ironrod] Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - windriver - 07-19-2010

If you try it get your campgrounds in April or else you will end up with the ones at the far ends of the lake.


Re: [windriver] Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - cpierce - 07-19-2010

I particularly loved the varying expressions on the boys' faces!

What a great time and scout adventure. They won't forget it.

Re: [cpierce] Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - windriver - 07-20-2010

Ya, it was fun watching how they all react differently. Non of the scouts fish very much and for some it was there first fish. We definately got a few converts.

One of the scouts had not caught a fish on the last evening. I put him in the canoe and to give him confidence said, " Don't worry we'll have a fish in the boat in 15 min." One of the leaders set his stop watch. We landed his first fish 2 min and 55 sec. later. Needless to say that didn't hurt my ego and he had a huge Smile.


Re: [windriver] Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - prontotp - 07-20-2010

Those boys are lucky to have leaders like you who are willing to put in the work to make sucha great trip and experience for them.

Re: [prontotp] Yellowstone-Shoshone Lake Scout Trip - windriver - 07-21-2010

Thanks, it is a fun job. I just wish we could focus all of our activities around fishing.[laugh]
