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I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - Printable Version

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I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - bigpikeguy - 08-27-2010

Finaly im gonna go do some fishing this sunday Smile It will be the firs time i have been out on my boat in 2 months! So even if i dont catch a thing it will still be woth the trip. This year has been really busy for me and i have not been able to make much time for fishing at all. Its depressing lol but hopefully next season will be different for me.

But anyway im heading out to yellow creek this sunday and im not really sure what im gonna be fishing for. Its either gonna be bass or pike. I guess i will see when i get there. I heard the place is loaded with pike but everytime i go there i always end up fishing for bass. Im gonna take a camera along and hopefully i get to use it [Smile]. Wish me luck.

Re: [bigpikeguy] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - bigpikeguy - 08-30-2010

Well i fished all day sunday and did not even get a nibble! I thought i lost my touch till i talked to some other guys at the boat ramp. They all had the same sob story i had. Fished shallow, fished deep. Fished rock, fished weeds. Fished slow, fished fast. NOTHING! so after that i did not feel so bad. I went home knowing i fished my arse off and had nothing to show for it lol. O well at least i got some killer tan lines now [laugh]

Re: [bigpikeguy] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - JeffGorecki - 09-13-2010

well BPG you should of been with me on the river . On sunday we caught over 25 smallies in the 3 to 4 pound range and what a day . Top water bite all day long . Thanks god for cloud cover and a little rain. My arm still hurts..LOL

Re: [JeffGorecki] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - bigpikeguy - 09-14-2010

That sounds like alot of fun but i was on my way home form the beach sunday. I got married on friday and could not of had a better time. The weather was great and the beach wedding was flawless. I did do some fishing on saturday morning and got some really nice flounder and some sea bass. Im planing on going to glendale this weekend and doing some trolling for musky. Hopefully i will have some luck with that.

Re: [bigpikeguy] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - JeffGorecki - 09-14-2010

Well grats to BPG. Now your on the stringer for life..lolBetter put the boat for sale now and get it over Just kidding . Best wishes to you and your wife!!

Re: [bigpikeguy] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - tvfoxdude - 09-15-2010

Yeah man,,,congatulations.....and you were sayin ya want how much for the boat??


Re: [tvfoxdude] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - bigpikeguy - 09-16-2010

Thanks Guys! Thankfully i got a girl that loves the outdoors, camping and boating. She does fish but not that much. Normally she will go out on the boat with me to get some sun, which is just fine with me. If shes happy im happy Smile So i dont think ill be selling the boat anytime soon.

Re: [bigpikeguy] I'm Gonna Do Some Fishing! - JeffGorecki - 09-20-2010

well ya only been married a week . Give it just kiding. I wish you and your wife the best of luck!