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Lake Mead NDOW Report 9-9-03 - Printable Version

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Lake Mead NDOW Report 9-9-03 - nighthawk - 09-13-2003

[size 1] [/size] [center][#000080][/#000080][font "Chiller"][#000080][size 7]Southern Nevada
September 9, 2003
[/size][/#000080][/font][/center] [center][size 6][Image: usa.gif][Image: nevada.gif][/size][/center] [center][font "Chiller"][#000080][size 7]LAKE MEAD [/size][/#000080][/font][/center] [center][size 3][Image: lmead1.jpg][/size]


[size 3]Anglers reported a drop in success for striped bass throughout the lower basin from the previous week. Top water action has slowed somewhat, but a few fish were caught near Boulder Beach. The fish ranged from two to three pounds and were caught with surface lures. Boaters said that larger fish were present in deeper water. Boaters also reported the presence of a lot of shad on the surface.[/size]

[size 3]Shore anglers also reported a drop off in success from the previous week. A few stripers and catfish were reported taken using anchovies and worms in the vicinity of Hemenway Harbor. [/size]

[size 3]Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) creel census clerks said that boaters reported fair success for largemouth bass in the Overton Beach area. One boater landed two bass that weighed in at 3 ½ and 5 ½ pounds. No striped bass were creeled in the area.[/size]

[size 3]Boaters using crank bait were successful for largemouth bass around the islands of Echo Bay. One boater landed three bass that ranged from 2 ½ to 5 ½ pounds. No stripers were creeled in this area. [/size] [indent]
[#990033][size 3]Nevada Department of Wildlife Report[/size][/#990033][size 1] [/size][/indent] [center][size 3][Image: bftn001.jpg][/size][/center]