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Cabo Bite Report - CaptGeo - 06-13-2011

[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] June 6-12, 2011[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Whilewe had great weather for most of the week we did end on a blusterynote. Friday night a little breeze started, nothing much at all andit was still nice on Saturday morning. Then all of a sudden onSaturday about mid-day the wind started to blow hard from the south. It did not take long for the whitecaps to come up. We had a littlebump of a swell that made the surfers happy, a result of the shortlived hurricane “Adrian” far to the south. Our nighttime lowsfor the week were mostly in the mid 70's while the daytime highs werein the mid to high 90's and the humidity ranged from 60% to 40%.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]Atthe end of the week we had 80-81 degree water from the beach out tothe 1,000 fathom line on the Cortez side of the Cape and aroundacross the top of the San Jaime Bank on the Pacific side. Outsidethis warm water it dropped 3 or 4 degrees except on the Pacific sidewhere the water to the north dropped to 72 degrees just off of theBank. 40 miles to the west was another large temperature changewhere the water went from 72 to 64 degrees. Surface conditions werefair with small swells at the start of the week slowly growing largerand then the hard wind on Saturday really chopped things up in theafternoon.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Therewas a decent availability on Caballito this week at the normal $3 perbait, some Sardinas were found in the Palmilla area at $25 a scoopand of course you could get frozen ballyhoo at $3 each.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: The concentrations of Striped Marlin that we had been finding uparound the Destillidera area have moved once again and appear to havecome a bit closer to us. During the middle of the week the movestarted and as often happens it coincided with their not eating onceagain. At the end of the week they became hungry again and if youfound the fish (between the 1150 and the 95) and were pulling luresat the right speed (8.5 knots) then you got bit, but only on lures,very few fish were hooked on live bait. The color did not seem tomatter, it was size (10-12 inches) and speed that got them going. Good catches at the end of the week were four or five releases perboat but the average was just two. There have been more reports ofBlue Marlin but I have not heard of any Black Marlin yet.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: On again, off again fishing for Yellowfin Tunawas the way it worked this week. The open water fish we had beenfinding last week seemed to have moved on and we have been findingfish at the end of the week only with Porpoise. Well, not entirelytrue, there are still a few unassociated fish out there, but not thenumbers we were seeing last week. Reports I have heard have beenthat the Los Frailles and north in the East Cape area have beenfishy, with Tuna to slightly over 100 pounds among the porpoisethere. Hopefully the fish move our way soon! I did see two purseseiners moving past us heading up on the Pacific side on Friday.
[#000000]DORADO: As the water warms up the fishinggets better! Almost every trip is producing a few Dorado and justlike last week the larger ones have been found offshore. Fish to 40pounds have been biting lures meant for Striped Marlin and there havebeen plenty of smaller fish closer to the beach, that is plenty ofthem if you find the schools, otherwise there sure is a lot of waterout there! Finding Frigate birds working was the key to getting theschool fish as they could be seen swooping down on the flying fishbeing chased by the Dorado.[/#000000]
[#000000]WAHOO: I heard of a few fish being caughtbut not as many as last week. The warm water helps but we arebetween moon phases right now. If the water stays warm we should beseeing more Wahoo in about 10 days.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: The Roosterfish have not beenright on the beach, at least not mid-week, but instead have beenfound in 80-100 feet of water. Slow trolling live mullet was the keyto getting bit on a regular basis, and for those with plenty ofSardinas to chum with, tossing out a live one after chumming aroundthe rocks in the shallows worked on the smaller fish. There wereAmberjack and some Snapper (Snapper early in the week before theswells picked up) as well as some grouper found by the fishermenworking the bottom or the rocks.[/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: My recipe has been taking toomuch space so if you want to see it, check out my wordpress blog alittle later in the week, or subscribe to the blog and you willreceive an email as soon as I post it. [/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: The whales are gone, but the fishare showing up, yea!! This weeks report was written to the music ofJeff Beck on his early album “Blow by Blow”. Sure brings backmemories! Until next week, tight lines![/#000000]
[#000000]I will be posting more to my blog now,please go to [url ""][font "Tahoma"][#000099][/#000099][/font][/url]and subscribe, you will be sent a notice every time I post a newarticle. Please feel free to send suggestions or if you have anyideas for articles. Thanks George[/#000000]