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Crazy fish goes airborne inches from boat! Aug 20 CR Fishing Report - Printable Version

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Crazy fish goes airborne inches from boat! Aug 20 CR Fishing Report - SailFishQuepos - 08-21-2011

Aug 20
[Image: MidAugust2011A.jpg]
[Image: MidAugust2011c.jpg]
[Image: MidAugust2011d.jpg]
Had a crazy day out today! Mike (the mate) went down to grab a bill of a sailfish today, and I saw the fish go electric blue. I yelled down, get out of the way, and he dove back and about that time, the fish came straight out of the water, and tailwalked right past the boat. And we got some really awesome pictures! This month has been pretty good, had some nice marlin, great snapper and amberjack, and some good sailfish. Here's some awesome pictures of a crazy but exciting day!
[Image: MidAugust2011b.jpg]
[Image: MidAugust2011marlin.jpg]
[Image: July192011A.jpg]

Re: [SailFishQuepos] Crazy fish goes airborne inches from boat! Aug 20 CR Fishing Report - jsmarlin - 10-28-2011

sweet photos