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A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - gstott - 11-14-2011

I decided to fish one of my favorite new found streams on Thursday since the weather was so nice. I had high hopes as I had two nice cutts get off in the first run, one even took a stimulator. The next run I missed a couple more. I was beginning to feel cursed, and then the fishing slowed down. I picked up some cutts here and there. They were mostly a pretty, dark coloration.[inline "cutt small.JPG"][inline "cutt 2 small.JPG"]
I also coaxed a decent brown to come up and take a stimmy. [inline "brown small.JPG"]

Part of the problem was that I was encountering spawning browns, but many were tucked up in the brush at the tail ends of the runs, and they would spook and ruin the rest of the run. I bypassed a large channelized stretch and finally got to where I fished it before. The last 10 minutes before I had to leave for work I scored 6 for a total of 11. Most of these were colorful browns and they all took a black prince nymph. [inline "brown 2 small.JPG"]

The next day I decided to try The Blacksmith Fork. I started at a favorite run, but the water was higher than usual. I was thinking about leaving and trying a smaller stream when I spotted a fish up against the bank in the shallows. I got my fly in place and it turned and sucked in my nymph. [inline "whitie small.JPG"]
Okay, not a glamor species, but I was actually having a strange craving for catching these ugly buggers. A couple of casts later I caught a better one that I had to chase downstream a bit.[inline "whitie 2 small.JPG"]
The next cast brought a pretty little cutthroat. [inline "cutt small 11.JPG"]

I worked up to the next run, but it was a bit too fast and deep for my liking. I was still thinking about leaving, but I decided to see what was around the bend. It turned out that the high water this year had changed things up a bit, and areas that weren't fishy before now were. I worked my way along catching some browns and whities, [inline "brown small 11.JPG"]

several even came up for a stimulator. With about 30 minutes left before I had to go, I happened upon a large eddie full of trout feeding on midges. I ended up hunkering down on this spot the rest of the day. I missed several nice fish, but I caught probably a dozen out of that stretch. A couple hit the stimmy, but most took the black prince. When things slowed down I switched to a purple and peacock prince and caught a few more. Then I tried a green Copper John and caught a whitefish. I could still see some decent fish rising, so I dug around for an adult midge pattern. I didn't have much to choose from (I remedied that this weekend), but I found a Griffith's Gnat and tied it on. I got some refusals before this guy finally slurped it down. [inline "brown 2 small 11.JPG"]

I couldn't get any more fish to commit, but I noticed a pod of whities working the riffle above me. I switched back to a dry dropper and caught one and missed another on the green Copper John. [inline "whitie 3 small.JPG"]

It was time to leave, but I caught one more brown while working upstream to a spot where I could get to the road again. I ended up with 13 browns, 7 whitefish and 2 cutthroat in about 2.5 hours. I think I just might return tomorrow.

Re: [gstott] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - gstott - 11-15-2011

I went back to The Blacksmith today, though I got an even later start this time and only had two hours to fish. I started at the large eddie where all the fish were rising Friday, but I only saw one fish steadily rising. I remember that same fish from Friday, and once again he refused my fly repeatedly. Oh well, I switched to a rubber legged stimmy with a black peacock prince dropper and quickly caught a whitefish that I'd been watching at the head of the run. [inline "whitie small.JPG"]
I worked my way upstream and found mostly browns, several of which were eager to eat my dry. This was a pretty typical size today. [inline "brown small.JPG"]
I did find more cutthroat than last time,[inline "cutt 2 small.JPG"][inline "cutt small.JPG"] and even found this stout little fellow in a log jam.[inline "fat cutt small.JPG"]
Not as much whitefish love today, I missed one more sizable specimen, and I found a pod of large ones feeding in a riffle, but they just wouldn't take my fly. I ended up with 20 fish in two hours which certainly beat staying inside and lamenting the fact that winter has come. On a side note, I think it's time to put my snow tires on my car as I almost didn't make it out of the pull off where I'd parked.

Re: [gstott] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - TroutBumDave - 11-15-2011

Damn you. You make me feel really crappy about not driving up there... I swear, if I read one more of your reports, I'll do it. Of course, I'll demand that you buy me dinner afterwords, but I'll do it!

Don't tempt me.

Re: [TroutBumDave] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - gstott - 11-15-2011

I guess I'd better be quiet, I'm pretty broke right now [laugh] It's so quiet up there this time of year. I didn't see anyone else fishing in the whole canyon. Hopefully I can keep fishing it through the winter, though pull offs are growing scarce now with all the new snow, so it might not be possible.

Re: [gstott] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - riverdog - 11-15-2011

Looks like my kind of day fishing. All except for the snow in some of the pictures anyway.

Re: [riverdog] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - gstott - 11-15-2011

Yeah, I'm not too big on the snow either, but living in Cache Valley, I'm forcing myself to get out in it because it's here about half the year. It was actually pretty warm except when the wind would blow and then the last half hour when the sun went behind the mountain.

Re: [gstott] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - CoyoteSpinner - 11-17-2011

Good time of year for streams and rivers. Great reports, and nice on ya with a repeat showing!
But - alas - you point out one of the hazards of getting out to some remote area, and enjoying fishing w/ noone else around! But that all just adds to the adrenaline rush, right?!

Been hearing some chum recently of folks getting excited for the white-fish going into fall spawn pattern. Sounds like they put up a pretty good fight.
Anyone "do" anything with white-fish? I hear folks talk about catching them from Bear Lake too - are they the same fish (type - that is)?

You doing any time on the Little Bear, Bear, or Logan rivers of late? I think I've still got some fall action in me - might have to bite the bullet - fight through the snow/cold and give a river a chance on Sunday. Snow should be done flying by then at least!
Is there any fishing to be found up Smithfield canyon? I know I've messed around up there, but never got on any. Not such a mighty river as the Logan or Blacksmith by any shake.

Re: [CoyoteSpinner] A Small Stream and The Blacksmith - gstott - 11-18-2011

Thanks, glad you're enjoying the posts. I haven't made it out anymore this week unfortunately. I haven't fished The Logan all year just because of the high flows. It's a great stream though. I've done a little research on Summit Creek, and it's definitely on my list of spots to try next year. I really do want to explore the Little Bear too. I'll probably take a detour from fly fishing if I go there though. I just got a new mold right after I stopped bass fishing for the year, and I'm eager to give these a try.[inline "small jerk.JPG"]
I think a big brown would really enjoy them on a darter head.

The whitefish are definitely spawning. I got milted on last week while handling one. They don't fight like a brown. They never jump, but when I hook into a decent sized one it puts a nice bend in my 3/4 wt and I usually have to chase it downstream a bit. The mountain whitefish which live in the streams in Cache are a different species than the ones in Bear Lake. There are actually two species that live there and they're only found there. I've heard that they're great sport and will hit lures like spinners whereas the ones in the streams mostly eat aquatic insects. Someday I'll have to go try for the Bear Lake and Bonneville whites, but probably after I get a boat. I think I'm done float tubing for the year. Way too cold for my liking.