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Scotty mounts - Printable Version

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Scotty mounts - flygoddess - 03-25-2012

I use Scotty rod holders for my fly rods.

[Image: IMG_1424.jpg]

Have several. I mounted them to the rear deck on my X5

[Image: IMG_1473.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1131.jpg]

The Renegade however is limite as to where you can mount them with no frame. The tube mounts are okay but again limited to where you can mount them when you add the fact it has oars.

So I found out, there are glue on mounts. I glued one on the back and one on the front area

[Image: IMG_3589.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3590.jpg]

This is also the same mount for the Scotty Anchoring system, however, due to the weight of the Anchor, the tube mount strap on is a better choice.

The I found a Scotty Camera mount. It has te thumb screw for any camera, and the slide slot for a GoPro.

[Image: IMG_4204.jpg]

[Image: IMG_4206.jpg]

Time to glue one more mount on the otherside.

Re: [flygoddess] Scotty mounts - kandersonSLC - 10-13-2012

Thanks for the great ideas. Just ordered some Scotty glue-on mounts and accessories. What type of glue works best on the Scadden boats?

Re: [kandersonSLC] Scotty mounts - flygoddess - 10-13-2012

Stabond. You can get it at Walton's Marine, but be sure and get UK 148. Plus it is a two parter. It will only keep on the shelve for one year, so glue up what you need in one shot is nice.

Re: [flygoddess] Scotty mounts - ronman - 10-25-2012

I called nfo and they recomended Locktite vinyl,fabric & plastic flexible. worked great only about $ 2.50 a tube seems to be holding great. bought it at home depot,

Re: [ronman] Scotty mounts - cpierce - 10-30-2012

Good to know! Let us know how well it holds.

Welcome to BFT!

Re: [flygoddess] Scotty mounts - flygoddess - 11-19-2012

Using the Scotty camera mount which is for traditional screw in mount or the GoPro clip. I went to Scheels and bought a Scotty extension.
So with use of that and a small piece of PVC I came up with a mount for my Go Pro.
I have the wifi remote set-up so I am able to operate the camera from my wrist.
I bought the three rod holder tree by Scotty and set it up with two inner mounts for my rods and outer for the camera.
[Image: 023.jpg]
[Image: 181.jpg]
This is what it takes as far as picture
[Image: 389.jpg]

Re: [flygoddess] Scotty mounts - idahopanfish - 11-23-2012

That is a very nice set up![cool]

Re: [flygoddess] Scotty mounts - Majja - 05-04-2016

Hey FG do you still use the Glue on Scotty mounts?


Re: [Majja] Scotty mounts - flygoddess - 05-04-2016

The tube of Loctite for Vinyl will work. Clean the area really good, lightly scuff up both surfaces. Outline it on the tube (I even use masking tape to out line the object so the glue only covers under the object).
Be sure to get corners. I usually let both surface tack up then stick. I also put weight on top. Tube is deflated.

Re: [flygoddess] Scotty mounts - Majja - 05-05-2016

I am glad I found this as I have some Scotty rod holders and have been trying to figure out how to use them.

Re: [Majja] Scotty mounts - flygoddess - 05-05-2016

Just make sure it is out of the way from legs and oars while rowing.