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Articulated flies - Printable Version

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Articulated flies - STEVEF39 - 05-28-2012

Ok so tonight I tried to tie some articulated flies, I got some from a fellow bft'er and love throwing them and just started tying about a month ago so here is my first few I have tried to tie lol, please dont laugh at me [Tongue]

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - yungun - 05-28-2012

Nothin to laugh at here those are some good lookin flies! The first articulated one I tied looked a lot like that green one and I caught a bunch of fish the first time out with it. They are way fun to tie and addictive to fish!! Good luck!

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - JLG78 - 05-28-2012

Those look great! Let me know when your next day off is and well get you that LMB.

Re: [JLG78] Articulated flies - STEVEF39 - 05-28-2012

I am switching schedules going to be working nights 1-1130 so things are going to be crazy this week but we should be able to go out next week sometime before work Ill let you know

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - joshomaru - 05-28-2012

good lookin flies there homes!

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - SatanLBZ801 - 05-28-2012

Wow! Very nice! I love those sculpin heads. Gotta get me some. If you tie any more up in the future, I'd like to see the setup without the fur/feathers on it to see how you guys are tying them together. What all material are you throwing on those?

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - tageater - 05-28-2012

Good looking ties, Steve.

Re: [tageater] Articulated flies - STEVEF39 - 05-29-2012

Thanks I tried, I just watched a few videos on you tube and used what I got and threw a couple together for fun. I think they turned out ok will find out if they fall apart when I go throw them this next 7 off. I have a long ways to catch up to you though [pirate] but for only tying for a few weeks I think they turned out ok for what I had to work with. I will be on the same off as you in the next couple weeks, going back to the night shift so maybe we can go out sometime this summer [cool]

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - tageater - 05-29-2012

well we just did our swtch, and I'm just about done with my 7 ON....

As for the flies- once you tie a bunch, you'll be able tosee a picture of a fly and have a good idea of how to tie it. And I love looking at kelly galloups flies!

Keep up the good vice work.

Re: [tageater] Articulated flies - STEVEF39 - 05-29-2012

LOL I dont know when we switch but maybe then, the videos I was watching where the kelly gallop flies [Wink], I think I get better with everyone I tie and I love to tie kind of addicting got my first fish on a nymph I tied now time for one on a streamer [fishon]

Re: [STEVEF39] Articulated flies - flygoddess - 05-29-2012

Kelly is the man for sure.

Here are some of my Articulated.

[Image: IMG_2287.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2289.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2034.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2006-1.jpg]

Even a Chironomid:

[Image: IMG_2170-1.jpg]

Most flies however, I do not send the time and detail that Kelly Galloupes flies require, So, I use STINGERS
Does the same thing, but I can make LONGER flies and they can move more.

[Image: WaskullyWabbit003-1.jpg]
[Image: WaskullyWabbit002-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4185.jpg]

I prefer Stingers, but all flies have their purpose.

Re: [flygoddess] Articulated flies - cpierce - 05-30-2012

So when you fish with the articulated flies or flies with stingers, which hook catches most of the fish???

Re: [cpierce] Articulated flies - flygoddess - 05-30-2012

The rear on stillwater, rivers I still think they hit the lead hook. I use circle hooks for the stinger, so if they look, then turn then hit, I don't foul hook them.

This weekend was so windy, we were basically trolling by no choice of our own. They loved the Bunny leech but they were biting the tail, and let go at the boat. A stinger would have made a big difference.

Re: [flygoddess] Articulated flies - cpierce - 05-30-2012

I had the same problem with bunny leeches. Fish would grab it but not get hooked. I was wondering if it was the fluff of the material, or that they were grabbing the tail. I was thinking that they were just grabbing the tail end. Someone else had said (I can't even remember who) that fish would hit the head of the minnow rather than the tail. I don't know if the fish were taking them as minnows or leeches, but they were not grabbing the end with the hook!

Time for some stinger hooks......