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Major RUN! Salmon River Pulaski NY Salmon Drift Boat Fishing Report Guide Salmon River NY - Printable Version

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Major RUN! Salmon River Pulaski NY Salmon Drift Boat Fishing Report Guide Salmon River NY - Randy Jones - 09-24-2012

My clients and myself enjoyed a nice day of fishing on Friday on the upper end. We had a presence of fish around us all day along with lot's of opportunity.
Not loaded, but enouph to keep it interesting.
With a cloudy day (low light), lil rain, most fish stayed on the move while some hung out in some of the deeper spot's around us.
We fished a number of different and unique habitat's that all were with fish. Mostly Kings with some Silver and Pink Coho's.
We walked a lil in the morning and had the entire area to ourselves. No crowd's, no one fishing in the spot's we were.
As usual at this time of year, all the most easily accessible area's (around the world) will have the most anglers. This will be a common theme for our entire 8 month season.
Knowing numerous optional optimal area's that require a lil walking or drift boat, is my trick to avoiding the crowds and finding unpressured fish.. Works like a charm! (Normally, but not always, especially over the next few weeks. Smile
At one point I spotted an approx. 25 lb. (probably more like 30lb's - it looked to be 4 feet long!) King Salmon, holding on the far side of the river in the rapids. I showed my guest where he should stand, cast and drift. Tuff one! His presentation was spot on and shortly there after he was tight to this monstrosity. Adrenaline raced up our spines. With only a string, piece of slender graphite and a gear plus rapids, slippery rocks and boulder's, now what do we do? The fish made it easy for us as it charged towards my guest and then threw the hook. Chalk one up for the fish.
It's probably good that we lost it as it was SOOOO BIG, that if we had taken it out of the water, the river would have been left bone dry. (Har-har)
I joked with my client and told him being a guide was easy. All I had to do was point and say cast. He had to do all the hard work by making the cast and presenting our offering to the fish 100% correctly to have even the remotest chance. It always makes me feel good to help my guest's achieve the most critical aspect of fishing. Presentation.
Lot's of fish top to bottom of the river so I hope you all can enjoy this incredible fishery!
[font "Times New Roman,Times"]It may be difficult to understand the term World Class Fishing until you have been here over our 8 month season.[/font][font "Times New Roman,Times"]
Best Fish's,
Randy - Fishing Reports for Pic's, Articles, Tips and my usual Ramblings Smile
Sept. 18-2012
It's raining cats and dogs outside and the wind is blow'n. Forecast to get (around) 1-3 inch's. Ye-Haa!
I'm lucky to have the day off and be inside nice and dry, looking out. I might melt! (Har-har)
The Pineville water level gauge is going up as I type this at 1PM. Just run-off.
Fish top to bottom, more showing up, up river, all the usual spots hold'n (in this water level)
We had the upper river (in our area-approx. 3/4 mile) to ourselves with fish as far as the eye could see.
Not loaded, but enouph to have plenty of opportunity, all day, in all spots, with no other anglers around?
I took my own advice and we hiked around a lil. We even left fish to find fish. Exciting!
At one point we didnt know where to cast as we had fish at the head of the pool leaving up the rapids, at - below the head holding,
in the middle and tail with more working there way up the rapids into our spot. Dont ya just hate when that happens?
Load's of fish down low, middle is holding some reeel nice numbers, all working up and filling the upper even more.
"There's No Ho, like a Coho" are showing up.
Best Fish's,
Sept. 16
In this flow (water level), at this time of the fish's life cycle, in my opinion, my #1 Tip to any new anglers would be to
fish where there is current and you cant see the bottom of the river. (Please let me know if you find one in this flow, Har-har Smile
This would be considered a prime lye for Salmon that are in a transitional holding and or holding mode.
Oct. 1 is when you'll start to see the bulk of these holding Salmon start to move onto that special type of rock.
This is when the entire river comes alive.
You'll have fish entering and running the river resting in the above area's plus spawning.
Make sure you knot's are good and hold on tight!
I hope some of my past and present suggestion's help you all along the path to "Fish ON"
Sept. 15
We are seeing some Coho's along with King Salmon. We have most fish from Mid-River
all the way down, estuary and out into the lake. Plenty around, filtering in, up and spreading out up the river daily.
It's always nice to see nice number's filtering up the entire length of the river. This helps to spread the anglers out.
Lil Tip:
If you wanted to fish where there are fewer angler's and a few fish, try up river. Or, go for a walk. Especially in
the more crowded, easily accessible area's.
2nd Tip:
You can always fish the transitional holding area's during low light periods and then move to the deeper pools
during mid-day.
Last Tip:
Heads of pools - deep run's - deep channels - with current, over all best, in these conditions, in my opinion Smile
Tails and Pockets in the Rapids an optional treat.
We recieved some nice heavy rain last evening. Water level is still 185 cfs.
Not enouph water for them to raise it now, or in the near future.
Doesn't matter as the fish will still run.
Lil rain in the forecast. Water is still warm.
Few of these early fish are ripe with loose egg's, dark and ready to spawn.
Thanks for stopping by and spending your valuable internet fishing time here!
Best Fish's,
Randy Jones
P.S. Im back doing Report's, Articles, Tips, Pic's and my usual Ramblings on [url ""][/url]

Re: [Randy Jones] Major RUN! Salmon River Pulaski NY Salmon Drift Boat Fishing Report Guide Salmon River NY - Troll - 09-26-2012

Nice report.

I used to ply the waters off of the creek mouths around Sandy Pond.