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jigging with a flyrod? - Printable Version

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jigging with a flyrod? - Live4Fishn - 11-05-2012

So my brother and I went to Starvation Reservoir just to try something new. We got to the dam at first light and I threw on a black zonker type streamer. Didn't get any action after 10 minutes so I switched to a watermelom tube jig on the spinning rod and got action right away. I caught this fat pig about 5 feet off shore and wished I had it on the fly rod. Does anyone know of a fly that acts similar to a tube jig? I guess I could just tie one on my rod but I think they are to weighted to reasonably cast.

Didn't have a chance to fish the river above or below the lake, but does anyone know if these are worth fishing?

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - flygoddess - 11-05-2012

I am sure you could use one. Maybe get a lighter one. You would just drop it down instead of trying to over head cast it.

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - Tarponjim - 11-05-2012

Google "meat whistle fly". Its a John Barr pattern that uses a jig hook. You could also tie a watermelon Zonker or marabou streamer on that same kind of hook, and its pretty close to a jig! People tie streamers on small lead heads too. All of these are "flies that act similar to tube jigs." I wouldn't want to cast them, but its done.

It goes back to what a "fly rod" is best designed for, and what a "casting rod" is best designed for, and what a "spinning rod" is best designed for. People fish flies on spinning rods, and jigs on fly rods, so I guess its all open season. Pick your poison.

Re: [Tarponjim] jigging with a flyrod? - remo_5_0 - 11-05-2012

Meat-Whistle, Zoo Cougar and Sex Dungeon, gotta love John Barr [laugh]

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - pookiebar - 11-05-2012

You can successfully cast a regular jig head with a fly rod. You will need a very stiff actioned rod in a 6 wt or higher to do so with much success. Also using a sink tipped line will help, Orvis makes a good one that you can attach to your regular line with a speed loop system. Your leader sould not be longer then about 5 - 6 feet, and needs to be 8 lb test or stronger because the speed of the fly/jig can tend to break your knots.

Last but not least, you need a good stiff spine yourself because you will eventually whack yourself in the back of the head with one of these jigs, and a 1/4 ounce jig to the back of the head hurts like hell!

Re: [Tarponjim] jigging with a flyrod? - Live4Fishn - 11-05-2012

[quote Tarponjim]It goes back to what a "fly rod" is best designed for, and what a "casting rod" is best designed for, and what a "spinning rod" is best designed for. People fish flies on spinning rods, and jigs on fly rods, so I guess its all open season. Pick your poison.[/quote]

What I enjoy most about using the flyrod is that I can feel the hit as the line is in my hands and have a better feel for the fish as I bring him in. I would much rather catch on a flyrod even if it isn't as efficent a method as using a spinner rod as long as it is still posible to do. Thanks for the input on those flies, i will check those out.

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - TyeDyeTwins - 11-05-2012

I asked that same question about using jigs on the fly rod at the fish shop and my buddies there told me that you can but they have heard of the jig head hitting the rod tip and breaking it.

As for below the this post. The answer is YES IT IS EPIC DOWN THERE!!!!!

[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"];forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread[/url]

Re: [remo_5_0] jigging with a flyrod? - sinergy - 11-05-2012

[quote remo_5_0], Zoo Cougar and Sex Dungeon, gotta love John Barr [laugh][/quote]

Arent those Kelly Gallop [cool]

Re: [TyeDyeTwins] jigging with a flyrod? - sinergy - 11-05-2012

[quote TyeDyeTwins]I asked that same question about using jigs on the fly rod at the fish shop and my buddies there told me that you can but they have heard of the jig head hitting the rod tip and breaking it. [/quote]

Its all the cast there's Coneheads and Sculpin heads that are similar in weight as jigs

Re: [sinergy] jigging with a flyrod? - Tarponjim - 11-05-2012

[quote sinergy][quote remo_5_0], Zoo Cougar and Sex Dungeon, gotta love John Barr [laugh][/quote]

Arent those Kelly Gallop [cool][/quote]

Yep. Meat Whistle is John's.

Re: [Tarponjim] jigging with a flyrod? - remo_5_0 - 11-05-2012

Yup, you are correct [blush]

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - pepem7 - 11-06-2012

If your not worried about accuracy than it is actually quit simple to cast a heavy jig or spinner with a fly rod. My buddy has used his 3wt to cast spinners, and actually caught fish this way. He just strips it in real fast. I have used a large streamer tiped with cisco meat at bl to chase macs by jigging them. The easiest way to cast that i have found is to pull out a large qauantitly of line and make sure it doesnt get caught on something, then with about 10 ft or so of line past the tip of your rod, just give it a chuck like you would your spinning rod. The heavier weight will pull the line through and you can get pretty good distance. Start expermenting and see what happens.

Re: [pepem7] jigging with a flyrod? - flygoddess - 11-06-2012

A roll cast.

Re: [remo_5_0] jigging with a flyrod? - Flyfishinglover - 11-06-2012

Sex dungeon nice one ha ha ha

"There is no human condition that cannot be made worse by the presence of a Cop!"

Re: [Flyfishinglover] jigging with a flyrod? - remo_5_0 - 11-06-2012

I don't name them [:p]

Re: [remo_5_0] jigging with a flyrod? - flygoddess - 11-06-2012

You forgot Circus Peanut and Butt Monkey. To look at Kelly, you don't see this imagination for his flies name...LOL

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - Live4Fishn - 11-15-2012

I just went back up to little dell to try some jigging technique with the fly rod. I always show up there at first light cause the bite is consistently on for the first hour. Started with the Olive sex dungeon, but I think the fish were scarred of it cause I usually have fish on within 2 casts. I threw on a white sculpin and soon I had hit after hit but no hookups. I was doing a fast strip like I usually do there so I changed to a jigging style. Slow pulls with my rod to give a rising action to the fly then bring in the slack while the jig drops back down to the bottom. this slower up and down motion was the key cause the fish started hooking up and sometimes even swallowing the fly.
After the hour was up the bite stopped like usual. I decided to cast a normal tube jig to see how it would work as i questioned above. I was able to get that thing plenty far enough out to where I needed it. but the fish action was already done. Next time i am in a situation where the fish are only taking tube jigs, I will throw it on my flyrod as it seemed to work, but I will always go to the flys first.
Didn't get any pics of this trip but it was pretty with all the fresh snow in the low light of the morning. here is a pick of a trip a week before the storm.

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - flygoddess - 11-16-2012

Nice, water still looks really low.

Re: [flygoddess] jigging with a flyrod? - Live4Fishn - 11-16-2012

Ÿes its low. I remember some years in the fall the lake was still into the rivermouth and I could cast my streamer to the other side. Everything was fish was huge back then, this was about 2003. Now everything is consistently 14 inches.

Re: [Live4Fishn] jigging with a flyrod? - flygoddess - 11-16-2012

Really? We were up there about a month or so ago. In our pontoons. I was casting my bugger to the rocks about where you are from the looks of it. Maybe 15' out from shore, hook up almost every cast. Type II line though.
Also, a Chironomid off a Type VII.
I would like to try from shore some time. Thought serious about it that day as the wind kept blowing me off my mark.

Here is my Jigs. Small hooks and nymphs. My brother in-law swears by them ice fishing. Prince Nymph too.
[Image: IMG_3433.jpg]