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Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - Printable Version

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Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - releaseit - 11-06-2003

[size 2] As normal with the NFL completly unpredicatable and several teams plaged with injuries. It will be real interesting to see on Sunday. I mean if the Raiders can lose to the Lions anything can happen right![laugh][/size]

Re: [releaseit] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - shewicker - 11-06-2003

This has been a lackluster season. There's more attention toward who's doing bad (Raiders, Steelers, Jets, Broncos, Tampa Bay) then the teams who are doing well. (Carolina, Kansas City, Indy, Minnesota).

Too many injuries. They need to cut down on Pre-Season, put the bye-weeks more in the middle of the season instead of starting them after week 2. So teams can make a better push at the end. The way it is setup now is you see more teams fade at the end.

That's what I think.

The NFL needs the Raiders to be good.[cool]

Re: [shewicker] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - releaseit - 11-06-2003

[size 2] I have to agree with the bye thing. Unbelievable the amount of injuries. It seems like every game someone is getting hurt. Are the pads not working?[sly][/size]

[size 2] I remember when I played FB I got hurt but dang![blush][/size]

Re: [releaseit] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - Teroy - 11-06-2003

Thats true, if the raiders can lose to the Lions, then anything can happen. Then again, when one is as band wagon as you and likes almost every team in the NFL, you can never have a bad week I guess.

Re: [Teroy] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - tubeN2 - 11-06-2003

The Chief will win this week and the will lose their first and only game next week. That is my prediction.

Re: [tubeN2] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - shewicker - 11-06-2003

The Chiefs are playing the Browns this week. The Browns are tough when they play good teams. They are probably the biggest enigma in football. They lose to the easy teams and beat the hard teams.

I have family in Ohio, and both my brother-in-laws were totally unfazed last year when the Steelers came back and beat the Browns in the Playoffs. They knew it was going to happen. They watched Elway and the drive back in 86. After that I guess you become kind of numb to devastating defeats like that.

I'd rather sit through a few losing seasons here and there, then start rooting for another team. There is nothing better than watching your team play great and make a push toward the Super Bowl. Especially after you have endured the low points. It makes it that much sweeter. You appreciate it a lot more.

Re: [shewicker] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - davetclown - 11-06-2003

I fully agree with you one dumping the preseason games. they should be real games with a couple more breaks... Even the lions whould have a better season record.

usualy by the time the season opens the lions are all played out, the other teams know the lions stradigity by that time. I mean where is the suspence in knowing what the other team is going to do?

I think your point about the injuries out ways every thing else, these guys take a beating out there on the feild, the guys in big time restling dont take the beatings that are delt out on the feild. and cant any one convince me that the padding fully protects them. when was the last time you saw a wrestler hauled out on a streacher. when was the last time you herd of a wrestler having to retire form a game related injury? them boys dont wear no stinking padding....yet week after week they are taking body slams on the mat and 350 pounds of meat is jumping off the side ring on to their already stuned shells.

where they differ is when you take one 250 pound player and you line them up with another 250 pound player and face them off infront of each other. well just look at the math. each player can hit speeds of 10-12 mils per hour in less then two paces and have the combined mass of a 1/4 ton when they colide at a combined speed of 25 miles per hour. Well we already know that we have cars driving down the road that cant withstand a 25 mile an hour colision with a tree.

and here we are making these guys colide like this at least 25-30 times on any given sunday. I am surprised we have any players left after turkyday....[shocked]

think I will stay in my arm chair and call the plays form there..... lol truly the only safety zone in the entire game.[blush]

Re: [Teroy] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - releaseit - 11-06-2003

[size 2]Almost as a funny as a loser cheering a losing team huh[Wink][/size] [laugh]

Re: [releaseit] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - tubeN2 - 11-06-2003

I don't know about that. I am blonde and I still root for the Niners. I haven't figured out why just yet.

Re: [releaseit] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - Teroy - 11-06-2003

The only loser is the one that dont have enough pride to cheer for his losing team. Takes some notes, maybe you'll learn something.

Re: [Teroy] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - releaseit - 11-06-2003

[size 2]Cheering the losers? I will have to write that one down.[crazy][/size]

Re: [releaseit] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - Teroy - 11-06-2003

No, sticking with your team.

Oh wait you have 10 of them so its not hard.

Re: [Teroy] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - releaseit - 11-06-2003

[size 2]I only have one team. Rams, I like Kansas City though.[Wink][/size]

Re: [releaseit] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - Teroy - 11-06-2003

and you used to be a 49er fan back in the day and you like the bronco's and on and on.

Re: [Teroy] Week 10 here Chiefs gonna stay undefeated?? - Teroy - 11-07-2003

Oh and dont think just because you edited your "loser" post and put some Smileys in there, I am amused.[unimpressed]