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Flies for sale - Printable Version

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Flies for sale - gvanzant - 12-14-2003

Jed Welsh has 24 dozen flies for sale. They are left overs fro his tackle busines in 1970. The flies were tied for the Yellowstone area. I like his Peacock Mosquito the best. Contact me through my Big Fish Email for a phone number.PS Jeds father brought fly fishing to the eastern Sierra from Scotland in the late 1800.

Re: [gvanzant] Flies for sale - JapanRon - 12-15-2003

Hi there gvanzant,

I hope that the sets are bought by those who will appreciate them and keep them safe from deterioation. When a craft/art is lost it is lost forever. Just like people who have 60 or 70 years of fishing experience are somewhat akin to the Japanese 'National Living Treasure' status. Wouldn't we all like to live to be amonght those.
