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Tubing Deer Creek 5/23 - Printable Version

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Tubing Deer Creek 5/23 - MasterDaad - 05-24-2014

I woke up at 4AM Friday and couldn't get back to sleep because there was a voice in my head that kept repeating over and over again.... "Go Fishing... It will be Awesome.... Go Fishing..."

At 4:30 I got up, packed up my tube, and hit Deer Creek.

Between 5:30 and 9:00 I landed 20 trout. And wow were they feisty! I was broken off three times (I haven't had that happen since Scofield last year), two flies were completely ruined, and a wedding ring line snapped on landing.

I would have had another 6 if I could have managed the doubles better.

No love from the bass this trip. And it was COLD. The water was 57 on the surface at launch and 55 when I landed.

Lesson learned: when the that little voice says "Go Fishing", listen.

Re: [MasterDaad] Tubing Deer Creek 5/23 - gofish435 - 05-24-2014

Thanks for the report. What part of the reservoir were you fishing? It's a good thing you went yesterday, I'm sure the place will be busy for the weekend. It is getting close to the time the power squadron starts showing up also.

You fish Scofield so you might be interested in the fact that a lady caught a 17.75 pound tiger trout trolling with popgear. It was 33" long and had a 21" girth.

By the way, I always listen to that little voice that tells me to go fishing but sometimes my wife tells me I should be doing other things.[Wink]

Re: [gofish435] Tubing Deer Creek 5/23 - MasterDaad - 05-25-2014

Friday I was fishing Wallsburg bay (wakeless area). Normally I fish by the Island but I thought it may get busy before I was done and I don't like dodging boats in the tube.

I also wanted to spend the early morning pitching for bass and there are better places in that area.

I have a Monday trip planned to Strawberry but next Saturday will very likely be my first boating trip to Scofield.

Re: [MasterDaad] Tubing Deer Creek 5/23 - albinotrout - 05-25-2014

I think I will be making a trip up there sometime this year. Been a couple of years since I was there last. Now to find the time. Thanks for sharing.