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Crowded Willard - Printable Version

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Crowded Willard - perchound - 04-19-2015

Been getting the boat ready for this spring fishing season and excited to get out on Willard. I went for a drive out to the north marina today to check things out knowing that I would probably regret not taking my boat with me. To my surprise it looked like every fishing boat in the state was there, wow.
Can this fishery handle this much pressure, and it's only April. I'm not a selfish person by any means and I love seeing people enjoying the sport I love so dearly but it looks to me like to many people are doing way to much bragging and giving out way to much information on this site.
I know this will probably upset a few of you that I said anything, but it's true and pretty soon were all going to be playing bumper boats out there. Hope all of you take this comment with an open mind and think real hard about what is happening on this site. Way to much info is being posted and that may just be my opinion but I'm betting I'm not alone.

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - HD7000 - 04-19-2015

When you get your boat out, try trolling a white shadrap at 2.8mph just off the bottom in freeway bay. Good luck!

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - wiperhunter2 - 04-19-2015

Well, you are likely correct but it could also have something to do with the show Adam Ekle did on Willard a week ago or so. There isn't a problem launching from the South marina or during the week at either marina[Wink]. Before you know it, there will not be enough water to launch a boat there anyway, my guess is sometime in June or early July, it will be all over for Willard, unless we have very wet Spring.[:/]

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - remo_5_0 - 04-19-2015

[quote perchound]Been getting the boat ready for this spring fishing season and excited to get out on Willard. I went for a drive out to the north marina today to check things out knowing that I would probably regret not taking my boat with me. To my surprise it looked like every fishing boat in the state was there, wow.
Can this fishery handle this much pressure, and it's only April. I'm not a selfish person by any means and I love seeing people enjoying the sport I love so dearly but it looks to me like to many people are doing way to much bragging and giving out way to much information on this site.
I know this will probably upset a few of you that I said anything, but it's true and pretty soon were all going to be playing bumper boats out there. Hope all of you take this comment with an open mind and think real hard about what is happening on this site. Way to much info is being posted and that may just be my opinion but I'm betting I'm not alone.[/quote]

People have said this all along! Thousands of views on posts from all the lurkers, that's why the Premium Member Board was created and everyone pissed and moaned about that!

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - Teroy - 04-19-2015

I must say, that's the first time I have ever heard of too much information being shared on a fishing website. Way to go Utah [Wink]

Re: [Teroy] Crowded Willard - remo_5_0 - 04-19-2015


That is why I don't post up secret spots, everyone already knows about everything else so I will post on those .

Re: [remo_5_0] Crowded Willard - TubeDude - 04-19-2015

[#0000FF]BFT is not the only source of info. Adam Eakle sent a lot of folks there...or so said many of the people I talked to last Monday. And Sportsmans, Cabelas and Fish Tech are also free with the info. They should be. It sells tackle for them.

Re: [Teroy] Crowded Willard - wiperhunter2 - 04-19-2015

Teroy, did you move back to Utah? Haven't heard from you in a long time. A lot has changed on BFT Utah since you were mod and it isn't all good.[Sad]

Re: [TubeDude] Crowded Willard - remo_5_0 - 04-19-2015

Ya, I know that BFT isn't the only source of info, but it adds a lot I would bet...just the way it goes.

Re: [Teroy] Crowded Willard - obifishkenobi - 04-19-2015

In my opinion you can share all the information you want with everybody and there is still plenty of lake and fish in Willard Bay to support a healthy fishery. I spent many years up in north Idaho steelhead and salmon fishing on the Clearwater River and shared and showed anyone who asked where and how I caught my fish, but even then most people could not duplicate my success rate. It was said of that fishery that 10% of the fisherman caught 90% of the fish. That being said catching wipers at willard is easier right now, but many of the people you see out their do not have the patients or attention to detail to catch large numbers of fish and as I have seen some one post earlier that as soon as the shad spawn it is going to slow down and the pressure will subside when its not so easy as it is now. While the crowds are there wave and Smile as you go past the flotilla and find a quieter corner of the lake and catch some fish while the fishing good. Tight lines and good luck to everyone.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Crowded Willard - Teroy - 04-19-2015

[quote wiperhunter2]Teroy, did you move back to Utah? Haven't heard from you in a long time. A lot has changed on BFT Utah since you were mod and it isn't all good.[frown][/quote]

No, I retired from the military last year and moved to Oklahoma. Went out today for a couple hours and managed one small bass. spawn is starting so their attention isn't on eating right now.

Sorry to hear about the board WH2. Unfortunately, with growth can come turbulent waters (pun intended). Still looks pretty busy around here though.

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - SBennett - 04-19-2015

The amount of people catching wipers is not the problem, fish being thrown away due to a years worth of freezer burn is what should get your blood pressure up.

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - dtayboyz - 04-19-2015

That's a freakin funny post.

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - Littlebuck3333 - 04-19-2015

This board has ruined more fisheries than Doug miller ever thought have now Adam equally good luck.

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - DKStroutfitter - 04-19-2015

No need to start a panic about Willard.

As already stated, Willard Bay always gets a lot of pressure after ice off.
It's one of the first places to take a boat in the warmer weather.
The spring fishing can be good for those that know what they are doing.

As summer sneaks up on us, the power squadron will take over Willard along with the bugs.
Then as water levels lower, launching will become dangerous for your boat.
That will end the boating at Willard for me.

Will the fish be able to handle this early spring pressure?
Of course they will.
Get out and join the crowd and catch some great fighting fish.
It's all good.

Re: [Littlebuck3333] Crowded Willard - dtayboyz - 04-19-2015

Damn board.

This is also a freakin funny post.

Re: [dtayboyz] Crowded Willard - doggonefishin - 04-19-2015

According to this board, I see no point of even going to Willard. I've read here that the crappie harvesters have ruined it, the walleye snaggers have ruined it, BFT has ruined it, and the DWR has ruined it. I assume it has to be ruined. [:/]

While there may be some levels of legitimacy to a few of the concerns presented, it is amazing that Willard is producing some really awesome fishing right now and many years. How can that be?

Re: [doggonefishin] Crowded Willard - dtayboyz - 04-20-2015

I know right.

They should move it away from I15.

Re: [doggonefishin] Crowded Willard - ducksfresh - 04-20-2015

Willard can't sustain the amount of pressure that it is getting right now. Enjoy it while you can. We had a great weekend there.

Re: [perchound] Crowded Willard - Kent - 04-20-2015

Thanks for the laugh. Willard will be fine. The fish are planted to be caught and also it will be a short season this year (when the marinas are closed because of lack of water). Frankly, I was surprised that there weren't more boat trailers in the parking lot on Saturday than there were.