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2015 catfish challenge Josh.Gaardvark - Printable Version

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2015 catfish challenge Josh.Gaardvark - Josh.Gaardvark - 05-03-2015

Floated Cutler with my dad in the canoe. Had more success when stopped than moving. Had a very nice one break off at the boat but we saw it and it was big.

Then I got a sub-20"er.[Image: happy.gif]

Patience paid off as Dad let me row the boat and a big one grabbed the bait and took off. I brought in a respectable 28" that must have been twice the girth of either of Dad's 25". It was a beast! We fished on, but the best I could do after that was another 20"

Posting the 28 for sure, and the 20 just in case. Dad says he may not take me again soon if I catch bigger fish than him.

Cutler Reservoir

28" Channel Cat
20" Channel Cat

Both caught on carp.

I am still going![Image: fish-on.gif]

[#008000]Good solid entries. You're on the board young man! Nicely done, and be sure - your dad will ALWAYS want you on board. He might make you do all the rowing, or netting, or gutting or something, but he'll always want you there.
Even a canoe can do it!
28 pnts
20 pnts

For the record - how old are you?

Re: [Josh.Gaardvark] 2015 catfish challenge Josh.Gaardvark - gaardvark - 05-03-2015

It was a fun day, best numbers of Channel Cats I can remember. Sitting at the oars seemed to be the magic ticket, as I got my best fish in the captain's chair too. The pic of the big one was hurried as he was still pretty lively, but I think we got it clear. He was released against Josh's wanting to show his mom.

Re: [Josh.Gaardvark] 2015 catfish challenge Josh.Gaardvark - albinotrout - 05-03-2015

Great job!, I just hope I can do as well tomorrow when I am able to get out.

Re: [Josh.Gaardvark] 2015 catfish challenge Josh.Gaardvark - SkunkedAgain - 05-03-2015

Great job Josh, finally a north cat to rival the South's way to go. Later J

Re: [Josh.Gaardvark] 2015 catfish challenge Josh.Gaardvark - Josh.Gaardvark - 05-11-2015

Spring creek south of Cutler Marsh
Caught on a night crawler
26.5 inches
The tape is hard to see. One picture has a red arrow to show where the metal end of the tape is.

[#008000]Thanks for the extra pix and pointer. It's tough I know.
Might dark fish, wow. But another solid entry. Well done.
26.5 pnts