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The Eagles - chiefpanfish - 01-20-2004

[Sad][Sad][Sad]Hey Guys I think paintedfish needs some cheering up after this weekend. He is down in the dumps and really taking some heat. When the Eagle sh##$$ doesn't necessarly mean it PAY DAY !!!

Re: [chiefpanfish] The Eagles - Paintedfish - 01-20-2004

Thanks Chief,

I need all the lovin I can get right now..........

Eagles fan forever


Re: [Paintedfish] The Eagles - BEARCLAW - 01-20-2004

I know it's tough, but cheer up buddy! At least your team made the playoffs and then the division champs and then to the NFC title game. Not too shabby if you ask me.. Will they keep Staley?

Re: [Paintedfish] The Eagles - Bassmaster-ND - 01-20-2004

Hey Paintedfish, just be glad your not a vikings fan[Wink]

Re: [Paintedfish] The Eagles - tubeN2 - 01-21-2004

It could have been worse. You could have been a Niners fan like me. Now who feels bad. Of course there is one worse feeling.

The fool that blew it for the Cubs. I don't thing that Southernman has even forgiven him yet.

Re: [chiefpanfish] The Eagles - shewicker - 01-24-2004

Hey, I'm a Raider Fan, so if you'e going to get all misty about the eagles losing their 3rd straight NFC title game Deal With It. Things can get a lot worse fast in the NFL.

Re: [shewicker] The Eagles - releaseit - 01-27-2004

[size 2]Eagles suck, Raiders suck, carp suck. They all seem alittle fishy to me[laugh][/size]

[size 2] Next year will be interesting, new coaches for alot of teams and new players.[/size]