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Fish taxidermy back... - Popgear16 - 01-14-2016

I wanted to make this post to let everyone know what a great job John Holley did on a couple of rainbows that I took him this past fall. He is an absolute artist!

I took him the larger rainbow at the first part of October. Foolishly I had gutted it and it was missing the front fins. John took my pictures and put it back together.

I took him the second rainbow later in October. He promised that he would have them done for my girls by Christmas. When I picked them up I was beyond happy with them. They look absolutely amazing! The day after Christmas John called to see how the girls liked their fish. I could not be more impressed with John Holley taxidermy!!

John is out of Mapleton and if you're considering getting a fish done I would look no further than him. He is the nicest guy and does fabulous work.

I have the pictures to prove it...

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - outdoorsman1 - 01-14-2016

Good story. Your a good dad for doing that for them. Something they will remember forever......

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - fishing4thehog - 01-14-2016

SWEET !!!!

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - Kent - 01-14-2016

Good for you and something your family can enjoy for a long time. Skin mounts?

Re: [kentofnsl] Fish taxidermy back... - Popgear16 - 01-14-2016

No, he did replicas.

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - WestFork - 01-14-2016

Beautiful work! I can see why you'd be so happy. Those are memories and mounts that will last a life time.

Many guys get hung up on skin mount versus replica, as if a skin mount is better or more accurate in some way. That's just not the case anymore. There are so many high quality replicas available on the market now for nearly every size and shape.

Replicas are more durable than skin by far, they paint up better than skin, there is no biological material to ever worry about breaking down. The detail of replicas early on was sometimes variable, but that's not a problem anymore.

In fact, on today's skin mounts, the only thing used in many cases is just the skin for scale texture. Heads are always replicas on skin mounts, fins are too in many cases. For commercial mounts, the skin is still stretched on bodies that are sized close enough, but not exact castings of your fish, so still not a precisely accurate representation. Beyond that, its all paint, fillers.

Truly what matters most on fish is the taxidermist's command of painting technique and artistry.

For me, I'll pick replica every time.

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - iceonly - 01-14-2016

Those are beautiful mounts. I've thought of having a fish mounted, what's it cost to have a fish mounted?

Re: [WestFork] Fish taxidermy back... - 4pointmuley - 01-14-2016

What does he charge for a replica?

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - wiperhunter2 - 01-14-2016

Yea, I'm curious as well, most taxidermist charge around $20 or more per inch. Also if someone wants a replica, what info does the taxidermist need. I assume length and girth and a good pic of the fish, anything else? Great looking bows.

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - ProfessorChaos - 01-15-2016

He did a brown for me. I'm so glad I was able to get introduced to him. He's a great guy and does great work!

Re: [wiperhunter2] Fish taxidermy back... - LakeDrifter - 01-15-2016

Wiperhunter, I think good pics! and a length measurement, then a girth measurement in front of the dorsal fin, one behind the dorsal, and one behind the adipose fin. you could even take a head measurement from the tip of the jaw to the back of the gill plate , if ya want to get technical, I think that should be good enough for any Taxi, There are tons of replica casts out there now days to get really close to your fish measurements

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - Elkhunter1834 - 01-15-2016

Nice, hoping to get a group of perch from cascade done this year.

Re: [LakeDrifter] Fish taxidermy back... - wiperhunter2 - 01-15-2016

LOL, sounds like I better start taking a note pad and pen when I go fishing from now on[Wink]

Re: [wiperhunter2] Fish taxidermy back... - Kent - 01-15-2016

[quote wiperhunter2]

LOL, sounds like I better start taking a note pad and pen when I go fishing from now on[Wink]


Planning on catching something wall-hanging worthy?[Wink]

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - wagdog - 01-15-2016

Those are some great looking fish and absolutely top notch mounts. Quality work right there. Plus you got an awesome memento of a great time with your girls. Thanks for posting.

Re: [kentofnsl] Fish taxidermy back... - wiperhunter2 - 01-15-2016

What I've found out over the years is you just don't know when your going to catch one big enough that you would consider having it mounted, its better to be ready every time you go.[Smile]

Re: [Popgear16] Fish taxidermy back... - JohnHolley - 02-11-2016

Wow!! What a nice post!
New to the forum and checking out some archives and came across your post. Very much appreciate your nice words ,compliments and business.
There were some nice post replies and I appreciate them as well.
In regards to replicas vrs. Skin mounts, I enjoy doing both. I find that 50% of my customers prefer replicas and the other 50% prefer skin and I do my best to accommodate their wishes. There are however circumstances where one lends itself better than the other. Actually one of the mounts is skin and one replica.
As far as trophy care, measurements , photos, pricing etc. go, feel free to give me a call and I'd be glad to help answer any questions.

Appreciate again,
John Holley's Taxidermy
Mapleton, Utah