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Picks for president? - Printable Version

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Picks for president? - Bassmaster-ND - 01-22-2004

I'm curious to what other people are thinking about who they would want for president in the upcoming election. I say we keep Bush.

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - tubeN2 - 01-22-2004

[#ff0000][size 5]Keep the Bush. He is doing a fine job.[/size][/#ff0000]

[url "javascript:oMvsLink('00','2b506646-d427-4fc5-b648-7e3d95d50d04')"][Image: nn_greg_bush_040121.275w.jpg][/url]

Re: [tubeN2] Picks for president? - BEARCLAW - 01-22-2004

Absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, keep the Bush.. The alternatives scare the hell out of me..

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - releaseit - 01-22-2004

I don't agree with his abortion views, immigration policies or the way he is handling the economy but his handling of homeland security is very impressive.

I also like having a president who is not afraid to kick some a** when it is necessary. I mean the friggin shaw of Iran is ready to turn over all there nuclear stuff after seeing what we did in Iraq, now suddenly North Korea is bending too.

I do not like Presidents who are opposed to war. War is necessary sometimes to maintain the peace. By us attacking countries trying to develop Weapons Of Mass Destruction we limit there abilty to make war.

Look at Iraq. Everyone knows what they did to Iran with biological weapons and even his own people. He is a madman ( so's that whole country! )

So we didn't find nukes or biological agents. He only had a year to move, hide or destroy them[crazy]

We definletley don't need some screaming maniac like Dean in there. That dude scares me[unsure]

Re: [releaseit] Picks for president? - Bassmaster-ND - 01-22-2004

Yeah it was pretty funny watching him do his crazy yelling speech on the late night talk shows!

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - releaseit - 01-22-2004

[size 2]Funniest thing is the song parodies! Howard Stern is running one with, " Hotel Calif ", " Jet Airliner ", " California Girls" and some other songs all rolled into one with " DEAN's" comments at the appropriate time.[/size]

[size 2]Another one with movie lines like " Full Metal Jacket " when the drill SGT ask different questions like, where you from? or your name, etc.[/size]

[size 2] Really funny[sly][sly][/size]

Re: [tubeN2] Picks for president? - Teroy - 01-27-2004

Agreed. He takes good care of us Military! [Wink]

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - gdn443 - 01-28-2004

I will vote for Bush again.Releaseit hit it on the head, when he says the world is finally taking notice we won't put up with another 9/11. Enonomy is finally starting to pick up, even here I see more construction than before.Good to see a president that will kick butt instead of looking for it.

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - lonehunter - 01-29-2004

you can bet your bottom doller he'll get my vote ! his actions speek for themselves . i like a pres that can kick butt when nessacery .

Re: [releaseit] Picks for president? - patches - 01-29-2004

thank you very much! my horse has more brains and he,s dead. i will tell ya i DON,T LIKE HIM. HE,S TO ME SOMEONE THAT ACTS LOOKS AND CAN,T LOOK YA IN THE EYE, WHEN HES TALKIN THAT SAYS SOMETHIN TO ME!! ANYBODY THAT CANT LOOK YA IN THE EYE, DONT MEAN WHAT THEY SAY! AND CAN,T TRUST!! ABD I DONT LIKE ANYBODY I CANT TRUST EITHER! hes already screwed up my state. dont let him do it to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this kerys doin good though but i really havent learnedto much bout him. you guys?? i would say keep bush too. at least weeee know what to expect. he,s got some --- anyways. and he did good gittin that sucker. and takin care of him. yeah me too. later[Smile][Wink]

Re: [patches] Picks for president? - Flagmanonice - 01-29-2004

[unimpressed] Old man Bush is the one doing all the thinking !! the prez is just a puppet I bet !!! I'm glad he's taking care of the military !!!! He'll get elected again cause of Kerry who ? You better look alittle closer , and you'll see he has alot of faults !!! He did do a great job kicking butt thou !!


Re: [Flagmanonice] Picks for president? - patches - 01-29-2004

yeah this is bout all i know bout him. that,s why i was askin you? haha i haven,t heard much bout him. and as fer as bush old man, well as long as they make a good team who gives a ---/probabl;y isn,t any different than the wives tellin em too. ahha magine they git >02 cents in too. haha well i just want somebodys thats doin right fer us little guys has === enough to do and stand up and not allow these ---- to git away with bad stuff to hurt others, who are innocent and down already,. theres too much kick em in the teeth when their already down. ya know. to me theres too many starvin right hear to home and homeless and i dont like that. at all! we should take care of our own. no one in this united states should be in positions like that never. or what are we comin too if we can,t take care of our own,.this layin on the grates down in the cities to keep warm,. how can people just walk by people like that?? whats the matter with the ones that run that state?? yeah id be proud ogf that, if i was them. new york when i went there. washington dc?? dont, they see this happenin?? [crazy][crazy][crazy]

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - DARK30 - 02-08-2004

We're livin in a crazy damn world boys! Bush won't fix it but he is buying us a little time...He's got my vote.

Re: [DARK30] Picks for president? - southernman - 02-08-2004


Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - tubeN2 - 02-08-2004

The bass fishing is a plus in my book.

Re: [releaseit] Picks for president? - petty4life - 02-09-2004

i think i might run for president. if you elect me ill make every thursday national fishing day and all anglers get the day off and must go fishing, ill make a new cabnit position secratary of fishing. icefishinggod will be my vice pres. blm will be sec of state

Re: [petty4life] Picks for president? - tubeN2 - 02-09-2004

Will you give us every Friday as a floating holliday also??? Otherwise my vote will have to go somewhere else.[Tongue]

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - wusup65 - 02-10-2004

vote for this guy right here hes the right one

Re: [wusup65] Picks for president? - Bassmaster-ND - 02-10-2004

Hey wusup65, theres no picture in your attachtment.

Re: [Bassmaster-ND] Picks for president? - wusup65 - 02-10-2004

yea i know it got screwed up ill check it out