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Website created by Border Patrol Agency - Printable Version

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Website created by Border Patrol Agency - releaseit - 01-23-2004

[url ""][/url]

The above site is created for voters concerned about President Bush's proposal to allow millions of illegals here now to work and get other services.

Prop 187 was passed by California voters and was locked up in court battles by Hispanic Legal groups. Remember this voted on and passed but never was allowed to go into effect because of an injunction.

Now the Governator of Calif is purposing a new Prop 187 but then Bush is trying to pass his proposal which will cause the unemployment rate to double amoung citizens and violates constitutional law prohibiting invasion and will also hurt the chances of the new calif proposition before it's even voted on.

Anyway this site allows you to send an e-mail to President and your local Congressman with your opinions.

** I am not a racist, I would like to say that first. I have no issues with non anglo-americans. I simply feel with all the goings on in this country we need accountability of who enters this country and works and lives here. And we need to make sure they are paying taxes,etc

Also by these immigrant workers taking the minimum wage jobs or other jobs that would normally pay $10 for $6.00 they will kill our economy.

I feel Bush is trying to get Latino vote and I am not alone. I feel he is shooting himself in the foot and this will cost him the election.

Please check out site and make your own opinion.

Re: [releaseit] Website created by Border Patrol Agency - davetclown - 07-25-2005

these are some strange times we live in today....

a man cant live off the land any more cause the property taxes are to high to suport that kind of living.

a man is expected to work for a living if he is able. and if he has no children he cant get suplimental benifits. yet more and more of our jobs are leaving contry by the day and on the same day more people are allowed in the contry when our acconomy can not suport it. on top of that they get benifits if they cant get work and the man trying to suport his devorced wife and kids cant buy a job that will suport himself and an ex family....

lets face it, we as americans can not just pick up and move to any country on this planet unless we are financialy self sufficent. no other contry will all any one to move in and take up residancy and compete for local jobs.

dont get me wrong, I dont begrudge any one for wanting to live somewhere where they wont have to face opression of some kind or other. I just think there needs to be a reality check made here. I mean realy.

This is simple rudimentary logic. if we are going to live in a world socity then what freedoms that are allowed for peoples of other contries should be allowed for naturalised residents here....

I did not want to get in to this back when it was posted cause I was already at a hightened state of woriedness about what we were facing by changing events. I probably would have gone hog wild on this topic then.

this act made things worse here in the state of michigan. now we have the highest rate of unemployment in the nation at over 7%. and we get at a rate of at least another 100 new residents from out of the contry every month. Wages are gong down and the cost of every thing is going up. I am watching my neighbors working two jobs to keep up thier life styles.

what scares me most is thier grocery bills alone exceeds my entire monthly income..

I took a fair amont of time to formulate my opinions and in hind site my fears were justifiably correct.

I have the time to take in all the information presented and formulate an educated opinion. just today I saw that even the people who are moving in from out of the contry are now complaining about the situation, they were on the news striking for stable working conditions and benifits.

one man was reported on the news today that he left his contry for a better living here only to find that things were not so much better here as they were in the home land. instabity in the job marked because of a flooded job market means they can loose every thing they have just as easy here as it was back where they came from...

so this act did no one any favors, it did more harm than it did good. the only one benifiting was the poeple on the top end, the one doing the employing. makes a better bottom line for stock holders on stocks that can become worthless at any given moment. and the last few scandles have proven this to be true... yet any one holding stocks in the companies have no asurances that they will be protected from corperate indiscressions.

dont get me wrong, there are still good companies left in this contry that wont sell out... and the first one that comes to mind is Hershie's Chocolate in Hershie pencilvainia. They refused to sell out the company to an out side corporation.

I think every one should take a look at the Hershies company and its history. there is a lot to be learned there....

remember I said michigan has 7% unemployment rate, well that is only those who have registred for benifits. it dosnt take in account those who are not eligable for benifits and looking for work....

so in my opinion the ideal behind this act is flawed to the point it harms not only those who live here but those who want to flood in looking for a peice of the pie....

If the government realy wants to help these people they should send these people to those contries where the jobs are going to... or better yet teach them that if they flood their own home lands with more people than it can suport they are starving them selves out of house and home. and that pratice holds true for this contry as well....

Re: [releaseit] Website created by Border Patrol Agency - Flagmanonice - 07-25-2005

[cool] I'm glad hes outta there after this term , now if we had ANYBODY to pick from , we'll be doing good !!!
